AdliceSoftware / UCheck

UCheck Bug Tracker
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Cannot Exclude bcdboot.exe (Packaged with Dism++ Portable v10.1.1002.1) in UCheck BETA v5.0.7.0 #14

Closed ljmacri closed 6 months ago

ljmacri commented 7 months ago

Preliminary Checks

Beta Version

What happened?

I am unable to exclude files named bcdboot.exe that are included with with Dism++ Portable v10.1.1002.1 (rel. 26-Mar-2023). The exclusion appears to be successful but the files re-appear in the UCheck interface the next time UCheck is launched.

Please note this problem was previously documented for UCheck BETA v5.0.5.0 (rel. 08-Nov-2023) at in the Wilders Security forum.

To reproduce the problem:

  1. Download Dism++ Portable v10.1.1002.1B ( from MajorGeeks ( or Chuyu-Team's GitHub page (, save to removable USB stick (e.g., E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002) and unzip.
  2. Delete after packaged files have been unzipped and ensure Dism++ launches correctly (e.g., double-click Dism++x64.exe for 64-bit Windows machine).
  3. Launch UCheck BETA v5.0.7.0 (rel. 05-Dec-2023) as Administrator and run scan from main dashboard.
  4. Go to Installed | Portable tab, right-click on either bcdboot.exe file named Microsoft Windows Operating System (e.g., E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002\Config\x86\bcdboot.exe) and choose Exclude Software from context menu (see image A).
  5. Answer Yes to prompt "Are you sure you want to exclude this program?" (see image B); will see confirmation stating "Exclusion added with success" (see image C). Click OK to close confirmation.
  6. Go to Settings & History | Exclusions and confirm Microsoft Windows Operating System is listed in the exclusions (see image D).
  7. Close UCheck.
  8. Re-launch UCheck as Administrator and run new scan. Previously excluded bdcboot.exe file still appears on Installed | Portable tab (see image E) and Microsoft Windows Operating System is no longer listed at Settings & History | Exclusions (see image F).

A- UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0 Portable Exclude Dism v10_1_1002 bcdboot_exe 07 Dec 2023 B - UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0 Confirm Yes No Exlude Dism 10_1_1002 bcdboot_exe 07 Dec 2023 C - UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0 Dism 10_1_1002 bcdboot_exe Exclusion Added With Success 07 Dec 2023 D - UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0  Settings Exclusions MS Windows OS Listed 07 Dec 2023 E - UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0  Re-Scan Installed Portable Dism bcdboot_exe Not Excluded 07 Dec 2023 F - UCheck BETA v5_0_7_0  Re-Scan Settings Exclusion Dism bcdboot_exe Missing 07 Dec 2023


Attached .TXT file is excerpt of debug log at C:\ProgramData\UCheck\Debug\UCheck_debug.log for all scans from 07-Dec-2023 (date of test).

UCheck_debug log 07 Dec 2023.txt

Is the issue reproductible?


Don't forget to vote !

Tigzy commented 6 months ago

Thanks, bug is fixed for next version.

ljmacri commented 6 months ago

The latest bug fix in UCheck BETA-2 v5.0.7.0 (rel. 15-Dec-2023) that adds exclusions based on file / folder / program has partially solved the problem for exclusions my Dism++ Portable v10.1.1002.1B app located on a removable USB stick at E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002. I am now able to exclude folders and programs but I am still not able to exclude individual files based on their file name.

For example, I excluded the entire E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002\Config folder (choosing Exclude This Path - see image A) with the latest UCheck BETA-2 v5.0.7.0 (run as Administrator) ...

A- UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Portable Exclude Path Dism Config Folder 16 Dec 2023

... and then excluded all executables in E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002 except Dism++64.exe (choosing Exclude Software - see image B).

B- UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Portable Exclude Software Unused Dism Executables 16 Dec 2023

This image shows the final result where entire E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002\Config and two executables (Dism++ARM64.exe and Dism++x86.exe) were marked as excluded with the prefix "[E]" but Dism++x64.exe was not (see image C).

C - UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Portable Excluded Dism Folder and Executables 16 Dec 2023

All three Dism++ executables (Dism++ARM64.exe, Dism++x64.exe and Dism++x86.exe) share the same Product Name "Dism++" in their file properties and the UCheck Exclusions at History & Settings | Exclusions suggested that all three Dism++ executables, including Dism++x64.exe, had been excluded (see image D). This was confirmed after UCheck BETA-2 v5.0.7.0 was restarted and a fesh scan showed that none of the executables for Dism++ was displayed on the Portable tab. (see image E).

D - UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Settings Initial Exclusions for Dism 16 Dec 2023

E - UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Portable After 1st Restart Dism++x64_exe Missing Dism 16 Dec 2023

To fix this problem I had to remove the exclusion for dism++ (all versions) at History & Settings | Exclusions while leaving the exclusion for the E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002\Config in place (see image F) and then manually delete the "unwanted" Dism++ARM64.exe and and Dism++x86.exe executable files in E:\Portable\Dism 10_1_1002 using File Explorer (see image G). Upon restarting and running a fresh scan, UCheck BETA-2 v5.0.7.0 now correctly displays information for the single Dism++x64.exe executable (see image H).

F - UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Settings Exclusions Dism Config Folder Only 16 Dec 2023

G - Win 10 Pro v22H2 File Explorer Delete Unwanted Dism Executables 16 Dec 2023

H - UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Portable After 2nd Restart Dism++x64_exe Visible 16 Dec 2023

The following attachments are the UCheck BETA-2 v5.0.7.0 scan log and debug log for a scan started 16-Dec-2023 @ 10:36 AM with my final exclusions (i.e., only showing the single Dism++x64.exe executable in the UCheck interface).

UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Scan Log 16 Dec 2023.txt UCheck BETA-2 v5_0_7_0 Debug Log 16 Dec 2023.txt

Tigzy commented 6 months ago

After excluding a folder, you need to redo a scan for the change to appear. This is how it works:

To remove folder exclusion, since it's not any longer in the results, it has to be done in the Exclusions settings. Implemented in 5.1