AdliceSoftware / UCheck

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FR: Portable Folder Exclusions and or more fine grained options for Exclusions in general. #20

Closed RonnyTNL closed 6 months ago

RonnyTNL commented 6 months ago

Preliminary Checks

Which feature do you want to be added ?

Current implementation of Exclusions does not really fit the portable additions done lately.

In certain use-cases it would be very welcomed to be able to have more fine grained control over exclusions e.g. Folder based, Binary name (wildcard/regex).



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RonnyTNL commented 6 months ago

Example use-case;

I might want to just Exclude the UPX and/or UnRar detection for the portable app "Thor-lite" but not for all other portable folders that these tools might have been bundled with.


RonnyTNL commented 6 months ago

An other example of this "issue"


Tigzy commented 6 months ago

That's a good point, we'll see if we can add a new action item based on path (whether it's the parent folder or the item itself)

Tigzy commented 6 months ago

Implemented in 5.1