AdminDashboard / meraki-example

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"CART" screen and functionality #60

Open Artemk23 opened 6 years ago

Artemk23 commented 6 years ago
  1. EMPTY Cart screen empty-cart

  2. When user clicks on "Add to Cart" from "Product Profile" product has to be added to the "CART" screen.


  1. Visitor should be able to change "Quantity" and remove item by clicking on "x" icon
  2. Visitor should be able to enter numbers in "ZipCode" field and click "CALCULATE SHIPPING" When entered successfully system should add number from the data base to the "Shipping" field in "CART TOTALS" section *if doesn't match our records, warning message should be displayed "Please enter correct Zip Code"
  3. Visitor should be able to enter coupon code and click "APPLY" When entered successfully system should add "Discount" item in "CART TOTALS" section and in price column put "-$999" and calculate the total price excluding amount in the discount. (Color of the discount price should be green) *if doesn't match our records, warning message should be displayed "Coupon "entered number" doesn't exist
  4. If visitor made changes system either should update cart automatically right away or visitor has to click "UPDATE CART"
  5. Visitor should be able to click on "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT" and be redirected to the CHECKOUT screen.

cart - items added


  1. Copy the screen below. Visitor must enter all fields except for the "ORDER NOTES".
  2. Visitor must check "I'VE READ AND ACCEPT THE Terms & Conditions" checkbox
  3. If visitor clicks on "returning Customer" and'or "Have a coupon" FE should drop the fields, like it's shown on the second screenshot.
  4. Visitor must be able to click on "PROCEED TO PAYPAL" ( or "PROCEED WITH PAYMENT") and continue with the payment. Integrate PayPal API:


CHECKOUT - Returning Customer and "Have a coupon" clicked checkout-login and coupon clicked

Artemk23 commented 6 years ago
  1. Update "empty cart" image empty cart

  2. When Cart is empty add "Return to Shop" item (like it's shown on the screenshot) which will redirect visitor to "all products" grid

  3. Unable to "Add to Cart" from Product Profile page

  4. Add more white space on the side of the screen, just like it's shown on the screenshot

  5. Product's thumbnail should be smaller, just like it's shown on the screenshot

  6. Above the table add titles "PRODUCT/QTY, PRICE"

  7. User should be able to update quantity and total should be automatically calculated

  8. "Calculate Shipping" field is missing

  9. "Coupon" section is missing

  10. "CART TOTALS" section:

    • "Subtotal" should be calculated from the "Quantity" x "Price"
    • "Shipping" will be calculated from the shipping csv file added to the Back End.
    • 'Tax" as well from the file or API
Artemk23 commented 6 years ago


  1. Rename it to "PAY WITH PAYPAL"
  2. Below add "PAY WITH GOOGLE" (Link to the API:
  3. Below add "PAY WITH BITCOIN" (Link to the API: Another API:
