Admiral-Billy / Pokerogue-App

An app to play in an app window. Wow!
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Can't Export offline data on Pixel 8 #103

Open GGJarose opened 2 weeks ago

GGJarose commented 2 weeks ago

I'm updated to the newest version with the "Fix" - I originally exported my online on my phone and imported it to offline to play while traveling. I'm home now and attempting to export my save data from offline to move to my desktop to continue progress. Exporting the data says "File Downloaded to Downloads folder". I checked the files in my phone and it does not exist. I confirmed the old Online export was moved to trash and deleted in case there was an issue with duplicate names. I've confirmed all access is given to the app to access files and data. I've tried updating the apk even though the version hasn't changed just in case. Nothing seems to be working. Any help is appreciated.

Admiral-Billy commented 2 weeks ago

I noticed that sometimes it seems to not actually export to the downloads folder, but rather the game's data folder or a similar location; try poking around there and seeing if it's somewhere sneaky that it shouldn't be.

I thought I had fixed that issue, but maybe not entirely.

GGJarose commented 2 weeks ago

This worked. I looked into it, and found it in the "internal storage -> download", but not the "Downloads" folder. This may be a weird oversite on googles file manager app. All the this file location are also in the "Downloads" folder, except the data.prsv. Either way, it was there. Thanks.

Michele-Zhu commented 1 week ago

hi Admiral-Billy, I'm having a similar problem with Redmi note 12. My problem is that it doesn't allow me to download nor save the file, when I try to enable app permission it shows that has storage permission but doesn't allow me to edit it, there is a way to manually move the save files from its data folder?