Admiral-Billy / Pokerogue-App

An app to play in an app window. Wow!
MIT License
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Pokemon Damage Calculator #72

Open jurassicplayer opened 1 month ago

jurassicplayer commented 1 month ago

Would be nice to have a pokemon damage calculator to provide some semblance of OHKO-ability along the lines of PokemonShowdown, Pikalytics, NCP VGC, etc.

While I can't vouch for it's usefulness in endless, it's helpful in classic with threading the needle in some of those barely winnable fights.

Admiral-Billy commented 1 month ago

I did try to do a little something like that, but the code is definitely monstrous. If anyone were to adapt one for PokeRogue I'd definitely include it in my app but yeah, it's too much for me.

AnnieTheEagle commented 1 week ago

Given PokeRogue-App is an Electron wrapper around the PokeRogue game itself. How easy would it be to access the this.gameData state inside the game itself, as well as potentially call into methods.

I was thinking about how useful it'd be to create like a plugin/addon that could tell you whether or not a given gamestate is winnable or not, even potentially bruteforcing every possible battle action (including switches) to determine what is the best possible set of moves and switches to do to be left with the highest amount of HP.

My initial thought on this would be to get the current game state, and then "simulate" actions by calling into the various damage calculation/enemy AI methods to see what the outcome would be of each possible action, etc.

Kinda like Stockfish (Chess Engine) but for PokeRogue. Not sure how feasible (or how long it'd take to solve a given pokemon battle), but might be neat.