Admiral-Fish / PokeFinder

Cross platform Pokémon RNG tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Inaccurate Wild Seeds/Times for Shiny (HGSS) #357

Closed carpenc1234 closed 7 months ago

carpenc1234 commented 8 months ago

Hunting for a Larvitar @ Mt. Silver Cave (Upper Mountainside). PokeFinder gives me a few seeds to choose from.

I've repeated this for 4 different seeds for this Larvitar. This seems to be a bug with PokeFinder unfortunately.

Attaching screenshot which has all the info needed to repro this issue (SID/TID, Location, and SEED). The seeds have been very simple to hit if you're trying to repro (btw advance starts around frame 20 on the snowy mountainside I'm on).

Soul Silver Larvitar RNG

SteveCookTU commented 8 months ago

The PID will rely on the nature during the re-roll part of the generation. Any chance you have a synchronize lead? Usually a different lead than what is entered in PokeFinder can cause most issues.

If possible, please provide the information from the advance that was hit in-game.

carpenc1234 commented 8 months ago

Don't have that poke on me or any of the others (master ball'd them and checked natures / characteristics so I didn't save obvi).

The encounter is the right pokemon, but wrong nature and characteristics. Also, no Cute Charm or Synchro lead

Edit: Because I want to solve this issue, I'll pick a frame (given my TID/SID) and post what I get.

carpenc1234 commented 8 months ago

5th and 6th time's the charm: Shiny Larvitar Hunted x2 (Confirmed stats, nature, gender, and characteristic)

I got the first one after a few minutes and saw that it was shiny. This confused me because the first 4 times I tried they weren't. I wanted to repro one of the seeds that wasnot working though, to assist with this issue. But, I hit a shiny (again) on the 6th try. Here's the screenshot for the last seed that I hit, which was shiny and IVs/nature confirmed.

Soul Silver Larvitar Correct Frame

SteveCookTU commented 8 months ago

Were you able to confirm the IVs on the first 4 seeds to make sure you did hit the exact frame? Only the encounter being correct wouldn't be enough to confirm it is the correct frame even if on emulator.

carpenc1234 commented 8 months ago

I wasn't able to confirm IVs on the failed tests :( We can close and I'll be sure to link this issue if I see it again.

cervizzz commented 7 months ago

Did your lead have pressure, hustle or vital spirit, perchance?

Also, your SID is wrong. It should be 39765.

Admiral-Fish commented 7 months ago

Feel free to open another issue with additional information if you encounter this issue again