Admiral-Fish / PokeFinder

Cross platform Pokémon RNG tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
300 stars 73 forks source link

Does not generate valid PID for Pokémon Colosseum #358

Closed extherian closed 7 months ago

extherian commented 7 months ago

Even with a valid initial seed taken from a running copy of Pokémon Colosseum, PKHeX will always report any PID/IV/Nature spread generated by this tool as invalid. By contrast, any PID/IV/Nature spread generated by Eligor will always be detected as valid. Please change the method used to match the one used by Eligor.

Admiral-Fish commented 7 months ago

All of my implementations have been tested and verified in game as correct.

I do not support or condone hacking and any use case of hacking will not be supported.

DustinOgan commented 3 months ago

I think this is a valid issue. Let me give some steps to reproduce and you can make your own decision on it:

  1. Begin a new game of Pokemon Colosseum on Wii utilizing the built in Gamecube
  2. Play up to the first save in Phenac Town and rescue your companion
  3. Save the game at the PC
  4. Utilize GCMM to extra the save to an SDCard so that you can see the IV spread of you legitimate pokemon in PKHex
  5. Utilize method Gen3Tools > GamecubeSeedFinder
  6. Click the Colo tab
  7. Follow the prescribed method of Noting Trainer / Lead , up to 7 times to generate the init seed.
  8. Utlize PokeFinder with the seed from step 7, and the TID and SID of the pokemon from step 4
  9. Narrow the IV , nature and hidden ability to be exactly your legitimate Pokemon.

Result: The pokemon will not be found / generated by Pokefinder

By comparison

  1. Enable TSID matching in Eligor
  2. Put your TID and SID from step 4
  3. Paste your seed in Initial Seed (Hex)
  4. Narrow the IVs and nature and hidden ability to exactly your legitimate Pokemon.

Result: Eligor will return a match for your TID/SID exactly for precisely your legitimate Pokemon's PID.

In this example, in your response to hacking PKHex is used in a read view only capacity as a quick way to view the stats. The source of truth is the pokemon generated by original hardware and a retail disk.