Admiral-Fish / PokeFinder

Cross platform Pokémon RNG tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DPPt Maniac Tunnel Slot issue #380

Closed NickPlayeZ closed 3 months ago

NickPlayeZ commented 3 months ago

Currently if you select the Maniac Tunnel for Wild RNG and want a Hippopotas, Pokefinder auto selects slots 5, 7, 9 and 11 however the slots of Hippo depend on how many Unown you have caught. With 0-9 Unown Hippo only occupies slots 9 and 11. With 10-25 Unown slot 7 gets added and with all 26 Unown slot 5 gets added as well. So imo the location should by default have only slots 9 and 11 selected as I feel most people won't have many Unown caught anyways. Might be useful to add 2 more Maniac Tunnel locations that each account for one extra Hippo slot like "Maniac Tunnel [10-25 Unown]". Geodude slots are also affected ofc as Hippos later slots 5 and 7 are Geodude slots at first.


Admiral-Fish commented 3 months ago

When you hit 26 unowns you would select Maniac Tunnel

NickPlayeZ commented 3 months ago

I didnt see the "ruin maniac cave" location; didnt remember the name changed in between 🤦‍♂️ sry lol