AdmiralCurtiss / HyoutaTools

A collection of tools for extracting and/or reinserting data from/into video games.
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ToV xma, SE3,etc files problem #3

Closed EmirioBomb closed 5 years ago

EmirioBomb commented 5 years ago

Hello, Admiral Curtiss! I'm sorry to have disturbed you. Could you take some time on my problem.? Any help will be very appreciated.

I'm trying to extract somethig like txm,snd,chat.svo files from xbox/ps3 TOV. The problems are: [1.XMA/SE3] I did just as you write in XMA\Fixheader==>>> Tales.Vesperia.FixXmaHeader function In the view of my point, i thought xbox is different with ps3 version, all snd file is paked in one \snd folder. I try to unpack a file \snd\VC845J.DAT (XBOX), after tlzc, fps4 unpacking, I get 0000-0004, five filestotally. yeah, the 0004 file is SE3 file. But ①At step2, it reads "decompress individual skit with bdecompress", and i try to another way to extract and use xbdecompress, but this tool did nothing. I tried many time and search the solution of xbdecompress with the correct usage, nothing occured as also. ②At step4, it reads "file 0004, seems to be 0x800 bytes for skits but can be bigger, first four bytes of new file should be 0x00020100)", does it mean to replace 0x53453320 to 0x00020100????This confused me lots of time, can you give me some advice?

[2. TXM/TXV] After using fps4e, I got them by some tools, but less DDS files of them display well. Either of them are damaged or crashed. I got some DDS display normal just a little, then, why about others?????

I thought it supports XBOX version powerfully, but some work well on PS3 too. I tried both XBOX & PS3 version. Hyouta-tool is a super powerful tools that i have never used before. The project gave me a lot inspiration and courage to study programming.

I'm so so so sorry for the long messy describtion. I don't know how to contact with you, i can't find the e-mail at the I can upload a doc with some screeshots, if you do not mind.

I know, you are busy on your project, please give me some advice or something, if you have time. It's pleasure to hear back from you . THank you for your all best project!!!!!!!

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

re 1: The order of operations to get a playable audio file from a skit on 360 is:

  1. Extract and enter chat.svo: HyoutaTools ToVfps4e chat.svo && cd chat.svo.ext
  2. Decompress skit: xbdecompress VC001UK.DAT VC001UK.DAT.dec
  3. Extract and enter skit: HyoutaTools ToVfps4e VC001UK.DAT.dec && cd VC001UK.DAT.dec.ext
  4. Convert the 0004 SE3 to a NUB: HyoutaTools SE3toNUB 0004
  5. Run on the 0004.nub file. It will extract a 0004_00001.xma.
  6. Run HyoutaTools Tales.Vesperia.FixXmaHeader 0004_00001.xma. It will generate 0004_00001.xma-real.xma.
  7. This 0004_00001.xma-real.xma can be played/converted with

The same process (starting at 4) can be used on the *.se3 files in the snd folder as well.

The *.spb files require a different process which I can't find working notes of at the moment, I'll get back to you on that one.

On PS3 this is easier. The stream folder files are already valid .nub files that can be extracted with NUBExt; the skits follow a similar process:

  1. Extract and enter chat.svo: HyoutaTools ToVfps4e chat.svo && cd chat.svo.ext
  2. Decompress skit: HyoutaTools tlzc -d VC001J.DAT
  3. Extract and enter skit: HyoutaTools ToVfps4e VC001J.DAT.dec && cd VC001J.DAT.dec.ext
  4. Convert the 0004 SE3 to a NUB: HyoutaTools SE3toNUB 0004
  5. Run on the 0004.nub file. It will extract a 0004_00001.bnsf.
  6. The extracted .bnsf files can be played directly, no further conversion necessary.
AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

re 2: I'm not sure I understand your problem. Not all texture formats used in Vesperia are implemented in HyoutaTools, but those that are should extract to .dds or .png files just fine by using Tales.Vesperia.Texture.Decode. Though I do have the algorithm to decode the missing ARGBa format somewhere, maybe I should go implement that in HyoutaTools properly...

I would recommend against extracting the Xbox 360 textures unless absolutely necessary, by the way; the PS3 version should contain all the textures anyway. Since these tools were used mainly for development of the PS3 patch, the 360 support is not as solid, and I remember deswizzling the extracted 360 files to be a real hassle.

EmirioBomb commented 5 years ago

It's really really happy to hear from you. It's hard to believe to receive your reply so soon. I'm so sorry for my late reply, bacause we have time difference more than 11 hours, so i'm at late night. Thanks for my gmail alarm.... That's exactly what i did. But the problem is. You can check the mail, if you have time, of course.

1 XBOX: xbdecompress did nothing, even type the command xbdecompress vc0001.dat vc0001.dat.dec,, there's no .dec built. is it my xbdecompress problem or else??? [image: 1.jpg] 2 Nub : I think this is the main problem i didn't know, sorry for my poor hex editor knowledge. the .nub file can be extracted to bnsf and bnsf can work with vgstream. That's what i know for a long time. < Use a Hex-Editor and remove the SE3 header from 0004. Delete the first 0x800 bytes > does it mean? [image: 2.jpg] MadEdit Mod Hex editor Just delete the 0x800 byte???I'm not farmiiar with this, so i'm learning it😢 Can you send a sample file, if you can. (I've compared with PS3 NUB file, just find *.nub begins 0x00020100.................em............ no such a lot null parts) That's my misunderstanding of step4.sorry for my stupid . BTW, if the method goes, is it possible for a batch file or program to delete SE3 headers? I think it will be a hard work..

  1. TXM: Sorry for my foolish, I take no care about Texture.Decode function(it's just for texture dds?), I just find a way to solve txm txv. Maybe it's impolite to ask some other question, if so, I'm really really sorry. One tool can extract parts of TXM(XBOX), another tool can extract txm well(PS3). damaged or crashed..............

[image: 3.jpg] it's ARGB OR else???

I'm still a newb and I'm so sorry for my foolish have distured you. It's two o'clock in the morning now, maybe the nex reply will be delayed, Forgive me..... Thanks for your help And take care yourself, please.!!!!😀

Admiral H. Curtiss 于2019年1月6日周日 下午11:33写道:

re 2: I'm not sure I understand your problem. Not all texture formats used in Vesperia are implemented in HyoutaTools, but those that are should extract to .dds or .png files just fine by using Tales.Vesperia.Texture.Decode. Though I do have the algorithm to decode the missing ARGBa format somewhere, maybe I should go implement that in HyoutaTools properly...

I would recommend against extracting the Xbox 360 textures unless absolutely necessary, by the way; the PS3 version should contain all the textures anyway. Since these tools were used mainly for development of the PS3 patch, the 360 support is not as solid, and I remember deswizzling the extracted 360 files to be a real hassle.

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AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

1: The image is broken, but maybe you're not using the correct version of xbdecompress?

2: I literally mean deleting 2048 bytes at the start of the SE3 file. But whatever, I just added a little tool that can do that for you, run HyoutaTools SE3toNUB. I've also updated the instructions in my earlier comment.

3: The images you posted are broken, so I'm still not sure what your TXM/TXV issues are. If it's the ARGBa encoding I've now implemented that.

EmirioBomb commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for the broken images. I made a docx for you. Your help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!

On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 at 04:59, Admiral H. Curtiss wrote:

1: The image is broken, but maybe you're not using the correct version of xbdecompress?

2: I literally mean deleting 2048 bytes at the start of the SE3 file. But whatever, I just added a little tool that can do that for you, run HyoutaTools SE3toNUB.

3: The images you posted are broken, so I'm still not sure what your TXM/TXV issues are. If it's the ARGBa encoding I've now implemented that.

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AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

Regarding your build (HyoutaLib.dll) problem, make sure you're actually building both HyoutaTools and HyoutaToolsCLI. Please don't try to mix old and new files either.


Your 'broken' DDS files look like improperly or not at all deswizzled textures. HyoutaTools doesn't implement Xbox 360 swizzling, you'll have to find something else to deal with that.

EmirioBomb commented 5 years ago

This is the project folder. 333 I dit them just as you said, butError occurred if I built HyoutaTools or HyoutaToolsCLI. 222 reference of 4 projects work well. Is that my setting or other problems?

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

That shouldn't happen. What does your ARGBaPixelOrderIterator.cs look like, did you change it? What does the 'Output' tab at the bottom list for errors, exactly?

EmirioBomb commented 5 years ago

I changed nothing, just clone and download it, extract it, open *.sln and build Hyoutatools and HyoutatoolsCLI error list:

On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 at 06:37, Admiral H. Curtiss wrote:

That shouldn't happen. What does your ARGBaPixelOrderIterator.cs look like, did you change it? What does the 'Output' tab at the bottom list for errors, exactly?

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AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

Ah, for whatever reason Tuples aren't enabled/supported on your Visual Studio installation. Either target a newer .NET Framwork version (4.7 or higher should work, install from here:, or manually add a reference to System.ValueTuple (eg: