AdmiralCurtiss / HyoutaTools

A collection of tools for extracting and/or reinserting data from/into video games.
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I can`t compile your program! #5

Closed hacuraven closed 4 years ago

hacuraven commented 5 years ago

Hello, I tried harder , but I can`t compile your program. I want your Hyoutatools to convert .SE3 to .NUB file in Tales of Vesperia. PC tells "HyoutaLib.dll and HyoutaLibGUI.dll is not found". Ionic.Zlib.CF.dll is in Hyoutatools-master folder.

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

You need to add Ionic.Zlib.CF.dll as a Reference in the 'HyoutaTools' project.


And then click on 'Browse...' in the window that opens.

As for build order, first build HyoutaPluginBase, then HyoutaTools, then HyoutaToolsCLI. If you also want to run the barebones GUI tools build HyoutaLibGUI and HyoutaToolsGUI.

I should probably clean this up a bit so it's a bit more obvious how to compile this...

hacuraven commented 5 years ago

thanks for your advise. I succeed to make Hyoutatools CLI and GUI. But CLI is Start-up and end in a moment, and GUI`s run button is no reaction. Is Argement wrong in GUI? how to use it?

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

This is still mainly a command line tool and should be treated as such, even in the barebones GUI mode. Please look up how to use command line tools if you've never used one before.

The sub-tool you want is called Tales.Vesperia.SE3toNUB, the arguments it expects are the filename of the input SE3 and the filename of the output NUB. That is, HyoutaTools Tales.Vesperia.SE3toNUB in.se3 out.nub

hacuraven commented 5 years ago

Sorry, HyoutaTools CLI answered "Directory 'HyoutaToolsPlugins' not found, not loading any plugins." "HyoutaToolsPlugin"What is this?

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

That's fine, you can ignore that, shouldn't affect behavior for what you're trying to do.

(I recently added plugin support to extend the tool functionality with external code.)

hacuraven commented 5 years ago

Please help me... write .bat "HyoutaTools SE3toNUB .se3 .nub" but,

System.Exception: Loading SE3 failed! 場所 HyoutaTools.Tales.Vesperia.SE3.SE3..ctor(String filename, Endianness endian, GameTextEncoding encoding) 場所 C:\Users*\Source\Repos\HyoutaTools\Tales\Vesperia\SE3\SE3.cs:行 12 場所 HyoutaTools.Tales.Vesperia.SE3.Program.ExtractToNub(List1 args) 場所 C:\Users\*\Source\Repos\HyoutaTools\Tales\Vesperia\SE3\Program.cs:行 18 場所 HyoutaTools.LegacyToolWrapper.Execute(List1 args) 場所 C:\Users*\Source\Repos\HyoutaTools\Initialization.cs: 行 28 場所 HyoutaToolsCLI.Program.Main(String[] args) 場所 C:\Users*\Source\Repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\Program.cs: 行 13

HyoutaTools don`t load .SE3 file...

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

*.se3 is probably not a valid filename, Windows batch files don't support automatic expansion of wildcards.

You probably want:

FOR %%G IN (*.se3) DO HyoutaTools SE3toNUB %%G %%~nG.nub

or similar.

hacuraven commented 5 years ago

I wrote .bat file...

C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\HyoutaTools.exe Tales.Vesperia.SE3toNUB ↓ "Usage SE3toNUB in.se3 out.nub" ↓ C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\HyoutaTools.exe Tales.Vesperia.SE3toNUB C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\test.se3 C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\test.nub ↓ "System.Exception: Loading SE3 failed!"

FOR %%G IN (.se3) DO HyoutaTools SE3toNUB %%G.se3 %%G.nub and FOR %%G IN (.se3) DO C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\HyoutaTools.exe SE3toNUB C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\%%G.se3 C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\%%G.nub and FOR %%G IN (*.se3) DO C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\HyoutaTools.exe SE3toNUB C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\test.se3 C:\Users-\source\repos\HyoutaTools\HyoutaToolsCLI\bin\Release\test.nub ↓ no reaction...

I don't know what to do... Sorry, please tell me...

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

I guess you're trying to use this on the PC Vesperia release? This was written for big endian files and never tested on little endian ones, I just pushed a fix that should hopefully resolve that. Please update and recompile.

AdmiralCurtiss commented 4 years ago

I'm gonna close this issue, it's been a good while and I've redone the project files since so you can just open and hit compile (and maybe nuget restore once) and it should work.