AdnanC / HDT.Plugins.MetaDetector

Based on cards played, detect what deck opponent is playing
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some suggestions and BUGs #13

Closed sdbds closed 7 years ago

sdbds commented 7 years ago

1、i remember it had filter with rank option in Meta Snapshot,now it disappear 2、Patches the Pirate cant tracked with Most Played Legendaries if he come form deck 3、Summon Card List arrangement is strange like 1 Animal Companion 12003 2 Bane of Doom 324 3 Barnes 11758 4、cant show anything in

and thank you for great job!i want to write a article to recommend this site!

sdbds commented 7 years ago

this update fix many problems!thank you! 2、4 is fixed! and,maybe we need list legend separately to see meta deck instead of legend-10. i find a new problem that card state in MSG cant show minion life and turn lived images,it is null,i am not sure if it is a bug or need more Data ?