Adobe-CEP / Samples

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AdobeCEP > Samples-master > PProPanel errors in Premiere Pro 15.x - server side issue? #133

Open aritakku opened 2 years ago

aritakku commented 2 years ago

Previously very well working, dedicated Adobe Premiere Pro Panel stopped working.

In solving what was wrong I finally ended up debugging the basic Samples-master -> PProPanel example. It seems that even with it I am unable to return information from the "server side" to the client.

My PremierePro is PPro 15.4.1x6. I tested and the problem is repeatable also in 15.0. For sample files, I have downloaded the most recent version from github.

For testing purposes, the only changes I made are:


<           /* this is inside the document ready function */
<           $("#test_projectname").on("click", function (e) {
<               alert('on_click');
<               e.preventDefault();
<               var csInterface = new CSInterface();
<               csInterface.evalScript("testServerFunction()", testCallback);
<           });
<       function testCallback(val) {
<           alert('testCallBack called with ' + val);
<           alert('JSON.stringify=' + JSON.stringifY(val));
<           alert('pure:'+val);
<       }
<   <button class="test_projectname textStyle" id="test_projectname">Test projectname</button>


<       function testServerFunction() {
<           alert("test 'server' function");
<           var d = app.project;
<           alert('JSON.stringify=' + JSON.stringify(d));
<           alert('pure:'+d);
<           alert('decodeURIComponent='+decodeURIComponent(d));
<           return d; 
<       }
\ No newline at end of file

The onclick-function is called, but at the server side there is EvalScript error and I am unable to resolve the issue further.

Logs show error relating to AsyncEvalScriptAsyncFn() error:

2021-10-26 09:40:38:576 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:576 : INFO  AsyncEvalScriptFileCallback is called with error code 0, result [object Object]
2021-10-26 09:40:38:577 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._ext.evalFiles("C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEP/extensions/PProPanel/jsx/PPRO/")
2021-10-26 09:40:38:578 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:578 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._ext.evalFiles("C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEP/extensions/PProPanel/jsx/")
2021-10-26 09:40:38:579 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:580 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._PPP_.getVersionInfo()
2021-10-26 09:40:38:581 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:582 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._PPP_.getActiveSequenceName()
2021-10-26 09:40:38:584 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:584 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._PPP_.getUserName()
2021-10-26 09:40:38:585 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
2021-10-26 09:40:38:586 : INFO  AsyncEvalScriptCallback is called with error code 0, result undefined
2021-10-26 09:40:38:587 : INFO  AsyncEvalScriptCallback is called with error code 0, result undefined
2021-10-26 09:40:38:587 : INFO  AsyncEvalScriptCallback is called with error code 0, result PPro 15.4.1x6
2021-10-26 09:40:38:593 : INFO  TEST-LOADEXTENSION-PERFORMANCE, PLUGPLUG, Post message to execute InitContent command for extension com.adobe.PProPanel
2021-10-26 09:40:38:594 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback called. EngineId: com.adobe.PProPanel_Engine_Id, Script: $._PPP_.getProjectProxySetting()
2021-10-26 09:40:38:595 : DEBUG PlugPlugEvalScriptAsyncFn() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Here are the changes as patches: patch_index.html.txt patch_PProPanel.jsx.txt

UPDATE: I tried the same code with PPro 14.9.0x52 and it works like it should. So it seems there is something going on at the "server side" of the most recent Premiere Pro.