Adobe-CEP / Samples

Code samples for CEP extensions
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RCE vulnerability in RSSReader sample #134

Open palant opened 2 years ago

palant commented 2 years ago

CEP extensions have full access to the file system and can run arbitrary applications. Given this kind of privileges, it might be a good idea to take security seriously. So it’s rather counterproductive that the RSSReader sample has a Remote Code Execution vulnerability that could, if somebody actually used that extension, allow a malicious website to take over the user’s system.

The issue is in this line:

item.title is untrusted data, coming from an RSS feed on a potentially malicious website. Here it is being inserted into HTML code without any sanitization, so a malicious title like Malicious<script>cep.process.createProcess(["c:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe"]);</script> should be able to run the calculator application (untested, might need minor modifications to actually work).

Properly sanitizing RSS data is actually not trivial. I see however that RSS post contents are inserted via a Mustache template, with escaping on. So I guess that correct functioning isn’t the goal here, and maybe the post title could be escaped here in the same way.

On a more general note, using jQuery encourages this kind of vulnerabilities. So maybe the samples shouldn’t use a framework, or they should at least use a framework that doesn’t immediately produce security vulnerabilities if not used carefully.