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New feature: DAM Reorganizer #1446

Closed badvision closed 5 years ago

badvision commented 6 years ago

I would like to be able to supply a mapping spreadsheet that instructs a tool where to move and/or combine existing folders in the DAM. The source data should be a spreadsheet with the following columns:

A report should be generated that summarizes all actions taken. If a detailed report flag is checked, that report should include all assets moved as well.

Optionally, the user can enable an additional page update mode which scans for pages/components affected by changed asset paths and update them as needed.

A dry run mode should offer a report of operations required without making any changes.

The utility should also provide additional options to enable/disable versioning and publish behavior. The versioning should cover any pages updated, and publishing should include assets and/or pages which were previously published to automatically republish them after all changes have been made.

davidjgonzalez commented 6 years ago

An immediate through it what should be the behavior for Folder level configurations like processing profiles, or smart tags. Would these settings automatically trigger/apply to the bulk move/merged assets? As a user, i would expect the assets in a folder to adhere to the folder's settings -- im not sure how challenging this would be (across the different processing concerns) or if it would naturally "just work" ... (TBH, I don't think some of the folder level processing "just works" using a single-asset move operation, though that doesn't mean this couldn't/shouldn't do better).

badvision commented 6 years ago

I don't think that moving an asset triggers any workflow, but we could provide a workflow model as an optional thing, assuming they want to do that. The extras we might want to embellish on a follow-on story to keep things simple.

toddhaser commented 6 years ago

Would report be CSV based so that it could be imported into excel or what not? Also, you mention optional ability to enable page update mode. As folders and children assets are moved, I'm thinking of two things that need to be solved for:

  1. Updating Publishers of the changes (curious how this would happen)
  2. Modifying the pages/components that use the moved assets (and then updating the Publishers)
klcodanr commented 6 years ago

@badvision This would also be really useful for pages as well as assets. Generally I've been doing this mapping during migrations as a pre-process, but adjusting pathing etc is a PITA compared to doing it once the content is in AEM.

badvision commented 6 years ago

@toddhaser Yes the reports are actually XLSX -- this is part of MCP:

@klcodanr Actually not a bad idea, that. I have a page-related utility for this which I will be combining into the fold so it makes sense to support both use cases. Is there any difference in the way you search for references for page vs. asset?

klcodanr commented 6 years ago

@badvision - as far as I know searching for both pages and assets is sup;ported in the ReferenceProvider API:

badvision commented 5 years ago

Fun fact: It's coming along swimmingly, we're actively testing this one out but it's going to need more time to get all the edge cases 100% right.

badvision commented 5 years ago

Feature is called Renovator now. Enjoy!