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Client Library Dependency Visualizer #132

Open kwin opened 8 years ago

kwin commented 8 years ago

As a developer I often need to figure out why a certain library is being included in a page. For that I manually have to crawl through /libs/granite/ui/content/dumplibs.html to figure out which client library category depends on or embeds (even transitively) the client library category I am looking for. It would be very nice to have a form, where I can enter a client library category and see a tree of client library categories depending on that category I was looking for.

That way it is easier to figure out if a certain library is really necessary and how it can be removed (e.g. if it is conflicting with a project specific client library).

The other way around, i.e. exposing all dependent/embedded clientlibs from a given category is useful as well.

davidjgonzalez commented 8 years ago

+1 ... i think having an actual tree visualization would be quite note. The tabular format used in dumplibs works but isn't pleasant.

ahmed-musallam commented 6 years ago

@kwin I currently have a PR for a nicer UI for dumplibs:

This PR does not include a visualizer per-se but it should help you search for clientlibs a lot faster than the old UI, you can also filter your search and see a lot more about clientlibs by path or by category, please check it out!

There are a few minor issues that I will be fixing this week, but it should be merged soon!

I was thinking of adding the visualizer. Because it would be nice to see a tree graph of all clientlibs or see he graph for one specific clientlib. My PR adds a nice JSON servlet that I will use to build a visualizer when I have some free time in the upcoming weeks!! stay tuned!