Adobe-Marketing-Cloud / aem-authoring-extension-header-backtosites

Sample package for AEM 6 page authoring. Creating a custom header action to jump back to Sites administration.
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Example not working with AEM 6.1 #1

Open chillinPanda opened 9 years ago

chillinPanda commented 9 years ago


I found this repo via AEM docs:

I want to add a new Page Action and it does not work. I use AEM 6.1 (no beta load!)

The nodes are all there and look good, but the overlay does not apply here and I cannot see the backtosites arrow.

When I compare the underlying classes, the one responsible for consuming this page action overlay is /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/headerbar/headerbar.jsp

And I think this jsp does not use the ResourceMerger. You can also see that there is old coding style. compare with one of following. There the ResourceMerger works and I can do overlays under /apps.

   (node to overlay: /libs/cq/core/content/nav/publications)
  (node to overlay: /libs/wcm/core/content/sites/jcr:content/body/content/content/items/childpages/layout/layouts/card)

Do you agree that this example is not working with AEM 6.1?

I used following rev for my build:

alextheys commented 8 years ago

Agreed, I have tried this as well and it isn't working in 6.1.

martinischeery commented 8 years ago

The example is actually already working on AEM 6.1 (since fa76753); the documentation page from 6.0 is linked to the previous version of the package. The package from is working fine for me on AEM 6.1

alextheys commented 8 years ago

Fair enough, although that's the one I was using too. Just to make sure there wasn't an issue with my aem instance I recreated a fresh install, out of the box (Adobe Experience Manager Quickstart (build 20150521)), ran the maven command and installed the package. Nothing is showing. Although the JS clientlibs are coming through in the rendered HTML.

alextheys commented 8 years ago

So I managed to get it to show, however I had to manually copy it to: /libs/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content/content/items/content/header/items/headerbar/items I obviously don't want to leave it there. I wonder if some inheritance somewhere is broken.

sachioross commented 8 years ago

Hi, pinging this thread as it seems to have not had activity for a while. I just tried installing this demo on 6.1 as well with no luck. Was anyone else able to confirm working or not working with no additional steps?


sachioross commented 8 years ago

Update: after installing SP1, the example worked as expected. I was told that installing either the TouchUI feature pack or Service Pack 1 for 6.1 would correct the issue. I'm unsure as to what changed, but this is just so anyone else that might come across this can have a resolution-path.

alextheys commented 8 years ago

Hi, I never really found a solution or got an answer. However I managed to make something happen using javascript in a client library folder with the category: cq.authoring.editor.hook Good news on SP1, I'll try that. Cheers, Alex

martinischeery commented 8 years ago

The client library is actually already using the "hook" category name:

Could you share more details on how it is not working? (Is the code loaded at least? Is there any JS error?)

peccles commented 8 years ago

@martinischeery Just to clarify the issue. When using 6.1 without the Touch UI feature pack or Service Pack 1: the sling resource merger does not find the headerbar --> items in apps. Only those found in libs.
The js hook works fine.