@karianna: Can be whatever license the group decides on - I'd suggest that we follow the lead of the original commiter.
@neomatrix369: License - how about what other Adopt-a-JSR projects are doing otherwise best to follow OpenJDK license (Oracle's choice)! - GPLv2? We can change to v3 when they change, its best to stay in sync with big parties.
Raise an enhancement to push license headers, etc...
@karianna: Adopt a JSR projects for Java EE work should probably follow their license,
but certainly aren't forced to.
@karianna: Can be whatever license the group decides on - I'd suggest that we follow the lead of the original commiter.
@neomatrix369: License - how about what other Adopt-a-JSR projects are doing otherwise best to follow OpenJDK license (Oracle's choice)! - GPLv2? We can change to v3 when they change, its best to stay in sync with big parties.
Raise an enhancement to push license headers, etc...
@karianna: Adopt a JSR projects for Java EE work should probably follow their license, but certainly aren't forced to.