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Initial attempt at a release checklist template #219

Closed smlambert closed 3 years ago

smlambert commented 3 years ago

Fixes #178 Fixes #215 Signed-off-by: Shelley Lambert

smlambert commented 3 years ago

Yes this is still a draft... I just pushed it so that I could point to the paragraph describing the release champion's role.

I like to have most information summarized in one place, and personally imagine that each pipeline that would be launched would be listed in this issue (including if we break a version up by primary/secondary platforms, or ga/ea or in whatever way they are divided).

For notes to each checkbox, they can link to separate issues (like 1 or more triage issues) if need be. In order for people to get a better sense of this, I likely should create an actual issue from the template once its a bit more refined (based on a previous or pretend release) to see how it might look.

smlambert commented 3 years ago

When the issue is created, we can also assign up to 10 assignees (who could all then edit and check off things), so while there is a release champion, there is really a release team all helping who can/should be assigned so they can edit and update the issue.

sxa commented 3 years ago

(Need to validate that assignees can definitely edit)

lumpfish commented 3 years ago

The reality is that this section:

 [ ] **Launch build pipelines** for each version being released [(as per release doc]( once release tags are available via [launch page]( in Jenkins.  Provide links in this issue to each version's pipeline build(s). There may be multiple pipelines per version if primary and secondary platforms are separated to expedite the release.
  - jdk8 pipeline(s): 
  - jdk11 pipeline(s): 
  - jdkxx pipeline(s): 

is likely too optimistic.

Builds / test jobs are likely to fail, and will need resubmitting. In some cases resubmitting the whole pipeline for the affected platform(s) is the most sensible thing to do - in other cases it would be rerunning individual test jobs.

Without going too much into the detail of how to do that (though I think instructions / guidance would likely be needed for anyone new-ish to the role) I think at least mentioning that reruns are possible / likely would be 'honest'.

sxa commented 3 years ago

Merging on the basis that we can adjust it later and everyone on the release call is ok with it