AdoptOpenJDK / TSC

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Checklist for Release 8u292, 11.0.11, and 16.0.1 for OpenJDK Hotspot #227

Closed karianna closed 3 years ago

karianna commented 3 years ago

This release checklist based on the release doc captures what activities must happen during a release.

The target release date is: 20th April 2021

The release champion for this release is: Martijn Verburg

The role of the release champion is to ensure that all release activities listed in this checklist get completed (by delegation to the broader team or by the release champion themselves). The final task of the release champion during a release is to confirm that all items in the checklist were completed satisfactorily and the release can be declared complete.

Everyone participating in a release, including the release champion is requested to provide feedback into the release retrospective so that the release process can be continuously improved (through simplification and/or automation).

One Week Prior to Release:

Release Week Checklist:

karianna commented 3 years ago

TRSS link Build URL Started by user George Adams

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_s390x_linux hotspot_jre_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security1_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security2_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security4_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_instrument_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.perf_s390x_linux renaissance-als_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-chi-square_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-dec-tree_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-gauss-mix_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-log-regression_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-movie-lens_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-par-mnemonics_0 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-philosophers_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_special.functional_ppc64_aix - OK to release - Host missing Dep MBCS_Tests_annotation_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 2/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_coin_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 2/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_pref_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 2/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_mac jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_instrument_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix jdk_util_1 => deep history 1/6 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64le_linux hotspot_jre_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security4_1 => deep history 2/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_sanity.openjdk_x86-64_windows - ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

Waiting for next available executor on ‘ci.role.test&&hw.arch.x86&&’
Running on test-ibmcloud-win2012r2-x64-2 in E:\workspace\Test_openjdk8_hs_sanity.openjdk_x86-64_windows
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] checkout
The recommended git tool is: git
No credentials specified
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
ERROR: Workspace has a .git repository, but it appears to be corrupt.
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /cygdrive)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

Followed by a failure to clean up the workspace.

Rerun - test results - OK to Release - some agent timeouts but outside of that, the rest passed.

Test_openjdk8_hs_sanity.perf_s390x_linux dacapo-h2_0 => deep history 0/11 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_windows ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

Same as the git issue on the IBM cloud machine (test-ibmcloud-win2012r2-x64-2)

rerun - This also failed due to an agent timeout Cannot contact test-azure-win2016-x64-1: java.lang.InterruptedException.

rerun 2 - Waiting on Results

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_linux hotspot_jre_1 => deep history 1/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_nio_1 => deep history 2/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64_aix ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

Lots of failures like

[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z]  stdout: [];
[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z]  stderr: [Unrecognized option: -client
[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z] Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z] Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z] ]
[2021-04-20T21:58:29.826Z]  exitValue = 1

and crashes like:

Calculating fingerprints ... done. 
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] Removing unshareable information ... done. 
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #  Internal Error (metaspaceShared_ppc.cpp:59), pid=16121890, tid=0x0000000000001415
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #  Error: Unimplemented()
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # JRE version:  (8.0_292-b10) (build )
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.292-b10 interpreted mode aix-ppc64 compressed oops)
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # Core dump written. Default location: /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16189556105917/hotspot_jre_1/work/scratch/core or core.16121890
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16189556105917/hotspot_jre_1/work/scratch/hs_err_pid16121890.log
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] #
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z] ];
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z]  stderr: []
[2021-04-20T22:00:03.982Z]  exitValue = 134

Going to rerun the whole lot and see if it's environmental.

rerun - Failed with the same errors. - OK to release - turns out JFR is not enabled on this platform and this suite shouldn't run.

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.perf_x86-32_windows renaissance-als_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-chi-square_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-dec-tree_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-gauss-mix_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-log-regression_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-movie-lens_0 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-32_windows hotspot_jre_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_other_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security2_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jmx_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release

karianna commented 3 years ago

TRSS link Build URL Started by user George Adams

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_windows jdk_security4_1 => deep history 2/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release - jenkins agent couldn't access a file

rerun - Rerun due to 10 hour timeout (despite some test results coming back) - Failed due to same git issue as IBM cloud machines. - Waiting on result

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.perf_x86-32_windows renaissance-als_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-chi-square_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-dec-tree_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-gauss-mix_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-log-regression_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-movie-lens_0 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_special.functional_ppc64_aix - OK to release - Host missing Dep MBCS_Tests_CLDR_11_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_CLDR_11_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_JA_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_ko_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_KO_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_Zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_Zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_StAX_ZH_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_coin_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_coin_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_JA_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_ko_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_KO_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_Zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_Zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_i18n_ZH_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_JA_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_ko_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_KO_KR_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_Zh_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_Zh_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_locale_matching_ZH_TW_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_pref_Ja_JP_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release MBCS_Tests_pref_ZH_CN_aix_0 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_sanity.system_x86-64_windows TestJlmRemoteClassNoAuth_1 => deep history 8/10 passed | possible issues - OK to Release - lost connection with host during test

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_arm_linux jvm_compiler_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_nio_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_time_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_tools_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_2 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.perf_arm_linux - OK to release as perf verification on Linux arm32 is a nice to have ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

06:01:51  + tar -cf benchmark_test_output.tar.gz ./openjdk-tests/TKG/output_*
06:01:52  tar: ./openjdk-tests/TKG/output_*: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
06:01:52  tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

This occurred because no tests ran, root cause suspect is:

[Pipeline] wrap
01:28:30  $ Xvfb -displayfd 2 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -fbdir /home/jenkins/xvfb-71-..fbdir10289954228434509120
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
Looks like something wrong with xvfb.

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-32_windows ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

ibm cloud machine failure, same as in openjdk 8 pipeline runs - rerunning as

rerun Waiting on Results

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64_aix jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_aarch64_linux jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.system_ppc64_aix ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 2/18 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix jdk_lang_1 => deep history 1/6 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_util_1 => deep history 1/6 passed | possible issues - OK to release Post Test => deep history 4/6 passed | [possible issues]( Test) - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_sanity.openjdk_x86-64_windows jdk_util_1 => deep history 7/10 passed | possible issues - OK to release, lost connection to host during test

Test_openjdk11_hs_sanity.system_arm_linux TestJlmRemoteMemoryAuth_2 => deep history 7/10 passed | possible issues - OK to release, test only fails on scaleway host

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_mac jdk_beans_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_time_1 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk11_hs_sanity.perf_arm_linux - OK to release as perf verification on Linux arm32 is a nice to have ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

06:01:51  + tar -cf benchmark_test_output.tar.gz ./openjdk-tests/TKG/output_*
06:01:52  tar: ./openjdk-tests/TKG/output_*: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
06:01:52  tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

This occurred because no tests ran, suspect is:

[Pipeline] wrap
01:28:30  $ Xvfb -displayfd 2 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -fbdir /home/jenkins/xvfb-71-..fbdir10289954228434509120
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
Looks like something wrong with xvfb.

Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_s390x_linux jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK8u Aarch64

TRSS link Build URL Started by user George Adams

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_aarch64_linux hotspot_jre_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security4_1 => deep history 1/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/3 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

karianna commented 3 years ago

Asking for @AdoptOpenJDK/tsc votes to release 8 and 11 despite the challenges we've had with extended openjdk tests for some windows platforms:

8 - Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_windows not completing despite multiple re-runs due to unstable machines/Jenkins agents 11- Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_windows not completing despite multiple re-runs due to unstable machines/Jenkins agents 11- Test_openjdk11_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-32_windows not completing despite multiple re-runs due to unstable machines/Jenkins agents

gdams commented 3 years ago

@karianna +1 from me

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK8 has been released

smlambert commented 3 years ago

+1 to release despite windows issues for a subset of openjdk tests.

Notes for release retrospective (from Slack conversations):

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK11 has been released:

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK 8 and JDK11 homebrew updates

karianna commented 3 years ago

TRSS link Build URL Started by user George Adams

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64le_linux ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No display name received from Xvfb within 10 seconds at org.jenkinsci.plugins.xvfb.AutoDisplayNameFilterStream.getDisplayNumber( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.xvfb.Xvfb.launchXvfb( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.xvfb.Xvfb.setUp( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.CoreWrapperStep$Execution2.doStart( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.GeneralNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$run$0( at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

rerun - OK to Release - Multiple Reruns failed due to git issues or not being able to retrieve the binary - I'm giving up

Test_openjdk16_hs_special.functional_x86-64_linux MBCS_Tests_datetime_0 => deep history 4/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release test only fails on test-ibmcloud-rhel6-x64-1 - test or host needs updating - expected:<2021-04-21T17:48:12Z> but was:<2021-04-21T17:48:12.001Z> MBCS_Tests_datetime_formatter_0 => deep history 4/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release test only fails on test-ibmcloud-rhel6-x64-1 - test or host needs updating - expected:<2021-04-21T17:48:12Z> but was:<2021-04-21T17:48:12.001Z>

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.system_x86-64_linux TestJlmRemoteMemoryAuth_1 => deep history 15/16 passed | possible issues - OK to release - Need to Grinder, but not a release blocker

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.openjdk_ppc64le_linux jdk_lang_1 => deep history 12/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release - unable to allocate that much RAM on test-osuosl-ubuntu1804-ppc64le-2 but other hosts OK jdk_util_1 => deep history 11/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release - unable to allocate that much RAM on test-osuosl-ubuntu1804-ppc64le-2 but other hosts OK

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.system_x86-64_alpine-linux ClassLoadingTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release NioLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MauveSingleThrdLoad_HS_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MauveSingleInvocLoad_HS_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MauveMultiThrdLoad_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmLocal_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteClassAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteClassNoAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteMemoryAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteMemoryNoAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteNotifierProxyAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteThreadAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release TestJlmRemoteThreadNoAuth_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MathLoadTest_autosimd_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MathLoadTest_bigdecimal_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release LambdaLoadTest_HS_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release ParallelStreamsLoadTest_HS_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMp_CpMp_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMp_MP_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMp2_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMp3_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMpModJar_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMpModJar2_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMpModJar3_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release InternalAPIs_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release AutoMod1_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release AutoMod2_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release AutoMod_Impl1_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release AutoMod_Impl2_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release AutoMod_Impl3_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release SLTest_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatMod_PlatMod_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatMod_AppMod_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatMod_Unex_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatMod_Adv_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatModImg_PlatMod_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatModImg_AppMod_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatModImg_Unex_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release PatModImg_Adv_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release UpgModPath_Exp_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release UpgModPath_ExpImg_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release UpgModPath_Jar_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release UpgModPath_JarImg_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release Jlink_ReqMod_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release Jlink_AddMLimitM_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CpMpJlink_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release Jlink_GenOpt_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CLTest_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CLTestImg_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release CLLoad_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_mac jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_beans_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.openjdk_arm_linux jdk_lang_2 => deep history 0/14 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_windows jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_io_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_other_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release - only fails on test-azure-win2012r2-x64-3 - ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed: timeout in 14096 ms, expected 7750ms jdk_management_1 => deep history 1/4 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_jmx_1 => deep history 3/4 passed | possible issues - OK to Release only fails on test-azure-win2012r2-x64-3 timeout

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.openjdk_x86-64_alpine-linux jdk_lang_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_ppc64_aix jdk_beans_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_nio_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_jfr_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_jdi_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_imageio_1 => deep history 0/2 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 1/2 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_linux jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_beans_1 => deep history 1/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_management_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 2/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_imageio_1 => deep history 1/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix jdk_lang_1 => deep history 2/10 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_util_1 => deep history 2/10 passed | possible issues - OK to Release Post Test => deep history 8/10 passed | [possible issues]( Test) - OK to Release only fails on test-osuosl-aix71-ppc64-1 (disconnect)

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-32_windows ⚠️ Test Job Failed ⚠️

Same failure as 8 and 11 host with git issue on test-ibmcloud-win2012r2-x64-2

The recommended git tool is: git No credentials specified

git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 ERROR: Workspace has a .git repository, but it appears to be corrupt. hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree" returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /cygdrive) Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

rerun - OK to Release - Multiple Reruns failed due to git issues, giving up on that

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_x86-64_alpine-linux jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_beans_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_imageio_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_aarch64_linux jvm_compiler_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_management_1 => deep history 1/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_tools_1 => deep history 1/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.system_x86-64_alpine-linux MiniMix_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release ConcurrentLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release DBBLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release LangLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release LockingLoadTest_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release UtilLoadTest_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release HCRLateAttachWorkload_previewEnabled_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release MathLoadTest_all_5m_1 => deep history 0/16 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_arm_linux jvm_compiler_2 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_net_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | possible issues - OK to Release

Test_openjdk16_hs_sanity.openjdk_x86-64_windows jdk_lang_1 => deep history 10/17 passed | possible issues OK to release, only fails on IBM cloud hosts e.g. test-ibmcloud-win2012r2-x64-2 can't allocate enough memory

Test_openjdk16_hs_extended.openjdk_s390x_linux jdk_other_1 => deep history 0/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release jdk_jdi_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to Release - only fails on test-marist-ubuntu1604-s390x-3 - disconnect jdk_security_infra_1 => deep history 3/5 passed | possible issues - OK to release - test needs updating to reflect revoked CA cert

karianna commented 3 years ago

@AdoptOpenJDK/tsc request to release 16.0.1 for Hotspot based on Triage above.

smlambert commented 3 years ago

+1 to publish jdk16 hotspot

Notes: the long list of systemtest failures on jdk16 alpine-linux failures due to host missing dependencies ( was closed with the report that machines/images were updated, but appears to not be true for all, reopened and should be moved to the infrastructure repository for resolution)

gdams commented 3 years ago

+1 to shipping jdk16

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK16 has been released:

karianna commented 3 years ago

I've completed HS triage with regards to opening issues etc, I used the Retrospective issue for this -

gdams commented 3 years ago

JDK8 Arm32

TRSS link Build URL Started by user George Adams

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.openjdk_arm_linux hotspot_jre_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_other_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_net_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_security4_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_management_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_tools_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release jdk_jfr_2 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_extended.perf_arm_linux renaissance-als_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-chi-square_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-dec-tree_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-gauss-mix_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-log-regression_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release renaissance-movie-lens_0 => deep history 0/1 passed | possible issues - OK to release

Test_openjdk8_hs_sanity.openjdk_arm_linux jdk_util_2 => deep history 0/4 passed | issue - OK to release

gdams commented 3 years ago

jdk8u arm32 hotspot shipped