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Build and test IcedTea-Web browser plug-in code #41

Closed tellison closed 5 years ago

tellison commented 5 years ago

IcedTea-Web is an applet web browser plugin and Java Web Start (JNLP) project. Although this technology is being superseded, it is currently in general usage on the desktop in a number of installations and therefore would be useful to OpenJDK users.

There is no equivalent available in OpenJDK, so I proposed that AdoptOpenJDK mirrors the IcedTea-Web Mercurial source repository into our Github organisation, and builds/tests/distributes binaries for general usage. Any bugs found should be reported to the IcedTea Bugzilla system, and potentially discussed on the distro-pkg-dev mailing list.

Build instructions and links are available via the README.

The resulting binary should be available as a separate download rather than an integral part of the current Java SE downloads, if for no other reason than IcedTea-Web is provided on a separate release schedule to the OpenJDK SE release schedule. However, we should consider making Icedtea-Web an installable component in our installers (especially on Windows) as these are most likely to be used in the desktop environment where JNLP and the browser plug-in are most used.

The precise details of the code licensing may need some scrutiny, as a quick glance at the LICENSE file shows.

karianna commented 5 years ago

ITW is part of the Adopt Family now :-)