Adorkable / node-red-contrib-ui-led

A simple LED status indicator for the Node-RED Dashboard
MIT License
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LEDs are somehow not always updated #92

Open tuxedo0801 opened 2 years ago

tuxedo0801 commented 2 years ago

LEDs are somehow sometimes not always updated when new payload is received...

Tried to show soem kind of query status... When dashboard page opens, the payload for LED is 1 and LED should turn red. At same time, a query is triggered. As soon as query is done, payload 2 is sent and LED should turn green.

I can see with my debug output that values are is right order and right value, but LEDs do not always show correct state.

Sometimes the LEDs stay in green, sometimes they stay in red. No idea why...

Any recommendations?

Using NodeRed 2.1.4, Dashboard 3.1.2 and ui led 0.4.11

br, Alex

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