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Help wanted: how do i pass get parameters to the saml login (and do something with them, of course) #68

Open chleverenz opened 6 years ago

chleverenz commented 6 years ago

Hi together, may be , this is the wrong place, but: i have a client who uses saml login, so the login is done via the /signin-saml2 endpoint. This works well but they have one request: they want to send data along with this request and i should do something with this data. So, something like /signin-saml?mydata=1234

I just can not figure out how to get the mydata=1234 parameter.

May be, my expectation is completely wrong and the parameters have to send along with the post or whatever.

Obviously i have no clue about this saml-stuff so i even can not ask the right question :-)

Thanks for giving me a hint, Christian

PS is there a discussionsite for this kind of topics?

chrismarkovic commented 5 years ago

Hi Christian, I'm not sure if this is still relevant to you, but I had a lot of trouble "fun" getting this working, so perhaps it can assist others ;)

I have managed to get this working with Shibboleth for SAML2 auth of LDAP/AD. If I understand you correctly you're wanting to do claims mapping to return data from the authentication source into the portal natively.

You require two fields for this in the portal site settings: One being the key: "Authentication/SAML2//LoginClaimsMapping" value example: firstname=givenName,lastname=surname,mobilephone=mobilePhone

and the other being "Authentication/SAML2//RegistrationClaimsMapping" value example: firstname=givenName,lastname=surname,mobilephone=mobilePhone

This allows on registration or authentication to have the SAML2 idp map the field names from the authentication source to the Dynamics CRM entity fields.

I hope that makes sense? Let me know if you want any more info.



BoJackson2 commented 4 years ago

I am having a very hard time with this. My client's client is demanding SSO to the client self-service portal from an external IdP. I don't have that specific information at the moment but have created a SSO Circle account to test SSO from an external IdP. I am having the utmost trouble trying to figure out how to configure portal site settings for this. I'm a seasoned Dynamics developer however authentication is not a strong suit of mine (simply because I wasn't ever given the task) and my portal development experience is just starting. Any help would be much appreciated.