AdrianAntico / AutoQuant

R package for automation of machine learning, forecasting, model evaluation, and model interpretation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Does AutoQuant need a particular version of Catboost? Never mind. It was a cat boost issue. Installed version. .20 vs 1.2.x and it connected. #86

Open twoolston opened 2 months ago

twoolston commented 2 months ago

Sorry Adrian I had this working, futzing around with gpu and nvidia, etc on azure, and then installed the latest version of Catboost.

Now Autoquant returns this error:

Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object '/home/flipai/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/catboost/libs/': /home/flipai/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/catboost/libs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am running the pure cut and paste job of your walmart example from the auto quant package example. Note, time fill is exported from Rodeo, not AutoQuant.

Set up your output file path for saving results as a .csv

Path <- '~/flip/production/boxcar/functions'

Run on GPU or CPU (some options in the grid tuning force usage of CPU for some runs)

TaskType = 'GPU'

Define number of CPU threads to allow data.table to utilize

data.table::setDTthreads(percent = max(1L, parallel::detectCores()-2L))

Load data

data <- data.table::fread('')

data <- Rappture::DM.pgQuery(Host = 'localhost', DataBase = 'AutoQuant', SELECT = NULL, FROM = 'WalmartFull', User = 'postgres', Port = 5432, Password = 'Aa1028#@')

Ensure series have no missing dates (also remove series with more than 25% missing values)

data <- Rodeo::TimeSeriesFill( data, DateColumnName = 'Date', GroupVariables = c('Store','Dept'), TimeUnit = 'weeks', FillType = 'maxmax', MaxMissingPercent = 0.25, SimpleImpute = TRUE)

Set negative numbers to 0

data <- data[, Weekly_Sales := data.table::fifelse(Weekly_Sales < 0, 0, Weekly_Sales)]

Remove IsHoliday column

data[, IsHoliday := NULL]

Create xregs (this is the include the categorical variables instead of utilizing only the interaction of them)

xregs <- data[, .SD, .SDcols = c('Date', 'Store', 'Dept')]

Change data types

data[, ':=' (Store = as.character(Store), Dept = as.character(Dept))] xregs[, ':=' (Store = as.character(Store), Dept = as.character(Dept))]

Subset data so we have an out of time sample

data1 <- data.table::copy(data[, ID := 1L:.N, by = c('Store','Dept')][ID <= 125L][, ID := NULL]) data[, ID := NULL]

Define values for SplitRatios and FCWindow Args

N1 <- data1[, .N, by = c('Store','Dept')][1L, N] N2 <- xregs[, .N, by = c('Store','Dept')][1L, N]

Setup Grid Tuning & Feature Tuning data.table using a cross join of vectors

Tuning <- data.table::CJ( TimeWeights = c('None',0.999), MaxTimeGroups = c('weeks','months'), TargetTransformation = c('TRUE','FALSE'), Difference = c('TRUE','FALSE'), HoldoutTrain = c(6,18), Langevin = c('TRUE','FALSE'), NTrees = c(2500,5000), Depth = c(6,9), RandomStrength = c(0.75,1), L2_Leaf_Reg = c(3.0,4.0), RSM = c(0.75,'NULL'), GrowPolicy = c('SymmetricTree','Lossguide','Depthwise'), BootStrapType = c('Bayesian','MVS','No'))

Remove options that are not compatible with GPU (skip over this otherwise)

Tuning <- Tuning[Langevin == 'TRUE' | (Langevin == 'FALSE' & RSM == 'NULL' & BootStrapType %in% c('Bayesian','No'))]

Randomize order of Tuning data.table

Tuning <- Tuning[order(runif(.N))]

Load grid results and remove rows that have already been tested

if(file.exists(file.path(Path, 'Walmart_CARMA_Metrics.csv'))) { Metrics <- data.table::fread(file.path(Path, 'Walmart_CARMA_Metrics.csv')) temp <- data.table::rbindlist(list(Metrics,Tuning), fill = TRUE) temp <- unique(temp, by = c(4:(ncol(temp)-1))) Tuning <- temp[][, .SD, .SDcols = names(Tuning)] rm(Metrics,temp) }

Define the total number of runs

TotalRuns <- Tuning[,.N]

Kick off feature + grid tuning

for(Run in seq_len(TotalRuns)) {

print run number

for(zz in seq_len(100)) print(Run)

Use fresh data for each run

xregs_new <- data.table::copy(xregs) data_new <- data.table::copy(data1)

Timer start

StartTime <- Sys.time()

Run carma system

CatBoostResults <- AutoQuant::AutoCatBoostCARMA(

# data args
data = data_new,
TimeWeights = if(Tuning[Run, TimeWeights] == 'None') NULL else as.numeric(Tuning[Run, TimeWeights]),
TargetColumnName = 'Weekly_Sales',
DateColumnName = 'Date',
HierarchGroups = NULL,
GroupVariables = c('Store','Dept'),
EncodingMethod = 'credibility',
TimeUnit = 'weeks',
TimeGroups = if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'weeks') 'weeks' else if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'months') c('weeks','months') else c('weeks','months','quarters'),

# Production args
TrainOnFull = FALSE,
SplitRatios = c(1 - Tuning[Run, HoldoutTrain] / N2, Tuning[Run, HoldoutTrain] / N2),
PartitionType = 'random',
FC_Periods = N2-N1,
TaskType = TaskType,
NumGPU = 8,
Timer = TRUE,
DebugMode = FALSE,

# Target variable transformations
TargetTransformation = as.logical(Tuning[Run, TargetTransformation]),
Methods = c('YeoJohnson', 'BoxCox', 'Asinh', 'Log', 'LogPlus1', 'Sqrt', 'Asin', 'Logit'),
Difference = as.logical(Tuning[Run, Difference]),
NonNegativePred = TRUE,
RoundPreds = FALSE,

# Calendar-related features
CalendarVariables = c('week','wom','month','quarter'),
HolidayVariable = c('USPublicHolidays'),
HolidayLookback = NULL,
HolidayLags = c(1,2,3),
HolidayMovingAverages = c(2,3),

# Lags, moving averages, and other rolling stats
Lags = if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'weeks') c(1,2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53) else if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'months') list('weeks' = c(1,2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53), 'months' = c(1,2,6,12)) else list('weeks' = c(1,2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53), 'months' = c(1,2,6,12), 'quarters' = c(1,2,3,4)),
MA_Periods = if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'weeks') c(2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53) else if(Tuning[Run, MaxTimeGroups] == 'months') list('weeks' = c(2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53), 'months' = c(2,6,12)) else list('weeks' = c(2,3,4,5,8,9,12,13,51,52,53), 'months' = c(2,6,12), 'quarters' = c(2,3,4)),
SD_Periods = NULL,
Skew_Periods = NULL,
Kurt_Periods = NULL,
Quantile_Periods = NULL,
Quantiles_Selected = NULL,

# Bonus features
AnomalyDetection = NULL,
XREGS = xregs_new,
FourierTerms = 0,
TimeTrendVariable = TRUE,
ZeroPadSeries = NULL,
DataTruncate = FALSE,

# ML grid tuning args
GridTune = FALSE,
PassInGrid = NULL,
ModelCount = 5,
MaxRunsWithoutNewWinner = 50,
MaxRunMinutes = 60*60,

# ML evaluation output
SaveDataPath = "~/flip/production/boxcar/functions",
NumOfParDepPlots = 0L,

# ML loss functions
EvalMetric = 'RMSE',
EvalMetricValue = 1,
LossFunction = 'RMSE',
LossFunctionValue = 1,

# ML tuning args
NTrees = Tuning[Run, NTrees],
Depth = Tuning[Run, Depth],
L2_Leaf_Reg = Tuning[Run, L2_Leaf_Reg],
LearningRate = 0.03,
Langevin = as.logical(Tuning[Run, Langevin]),
DiffusionTemperature = 10000,
RandomStrength = Tuning[Run, RandomStrength],
BorderCount = 254,
RSM = if(Tuning[Run, RSM] == 'NULL') NULL else as.numeric(Tuning[Run, RSM]),
GrowPolicy = Tuning[Run, GrowPolicy],
BootStrapType = Tuning[Run, BootStrapType],
ModelSizeReg = 0.5,
FeatureBorderType = 'GreedyLogSum',
SamplingUnit = 'Group',
SubSample = NULL,
ScoreFunction = 'Cosine',
MinDataInLeaf = 1)

Timer End

EndTime <- Sys.time()

Prepare data for evaluation

Results <- CatBoostResults$Forecast data.table::setnames(Results, 'Weekly_Sales', 'bla') Results <- merge(Results, data, by = c('Store','Dept','Date'), all = FALSE) Results <- Results[][, bla := NULL]

Create totals and subtotals

Results <- data.table::groupingsets( x = Results, j = list(Predictions = sum(Predictions), Weekly_Sales = sum(Weekly_Sales)), by = c('Date', 'Store', 'Dept'), sets = list(c('Date', 'Store', 'Dept'), c('Store', 'Dept'), 'Store', 'Dept', 'Date'))

Fill NAs with 'Total' for totals and subtotals

for(cols in c('Store','Dept')) Results[, eval(cols) := data.table::fifelse(, 'Total', get(cols))]

Add error measures

Results[, Weekly_MAE := abs(Weekly_Sales - Predictions)] Results[, Weekly_MAPE := Weekly_MAE / Weekly_Sales]

Weekly results

Weekly_MAPE <- Results[, list(Weekly_MAPE = mean(Weekly_MAPE)), by = list(Store,Dept)]

Monthly results

temp <- data.table::copy(Results) temp <- temp[, Date := lubridate::floor_date(Date, unit = 'months')] temp <- temp[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = c('Date','Store','Dept'), .SDcols = c('Predictions', 'Weekly_Sales')] temp[, Monthly_MAE := abs(Weekly_Sales - Predictions)] temp[, Monthly_MAPE := Monthly_MAE / Weekly_Sales] Monthly_MAPE <- temp[, list(Monthly_MAPE = mean(Monthly_MAPE)), by = list(Store,Dept)]

Collect metrics for Total (feel free to switch to something else or no filter at all)

Metrics <- data.table::data.table( RunNumber = Run, Total_Weekly_MAPE = Weekly_MAPE[Store == 'Total' & Dept == 'Total', Weekly_MAPE], Total_Monthly_MAPE = Monthly_MAPE[Store == 'Total' & Dept == 'Total', Monthly_MAPE], Tuning[Run], RunTime = EndTime - StartTime)

Append to file (not overwrite)

data.table::fwrite(Metrics, file = file.path(Path, 'Walmart_CARMA_Metrics.csv'), append = TRUE)

Remove objects (clear space before new runs)

rm(CatBoostResults, Results, temp, Weekly_MAE, Weekly_MAPE, Monthly_MAE, Monthly_MAPE)

Garbage collection because of GPU

gc() }

AdrianAntico commented 2 months ago

My best guess is that the newest version of catboost has an issue. Is there something new that in their update that you'd like to see incorporated?

twoolston commented 2 months ago

Wow, thanks for the quick response. Not in particular - always looking for the latest and greatest ML. Got a minute for a phone call, the company I’m putting my time into is located in Scottsdale.

On Aug 14, 2024, at 9:47 PM, Adrian Antico @.***> wrote:

My best guess is that the newest version of catboost has an issue. Is there something new that in their update that you'd like to see incorporated?

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AdrianAntico commented 2 months ago

I'm happy to. Send me an email and I can share my number

twoolston commented 2 months ago


On Aug 20, 2024, at 4:07 PM, Adrian Antico @.***> wrote:

I'm happy to. Send me an email and I can share my number

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AdrianAntico commented 2 months ago

It looks like github masks emails listed in comments. You can find my email on my main profile page, under my pic.