Adriatogi / spotify-albums

Adds the ability to catalog your liked albums from Spotify. Interacts with your own Spotify API. Frontend uses React and Redux, while backend uses Flask, Python, and Click.
MIT License
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Support multiple users #2

Open Adriatogi opened 6 months ago

Adriatogi commented 6 months ago

Allow user to log in on their own frontend and allow for the backend to handle multiple different users. Saves will be kept local until mongodb is supported

Adriatogi commented 3 weeks ago

Will have a landing page which makes a user log in to their spotify. This redirects to the spotify authorization page. When the user logs in, the info is then passed to directly the backend, which then asks spotify for the access and refresh token. These two codes are then passed back to the front end (as well as some more cool info, like user name). These access codes will then be used to fetch liked albums. I will deal with timed out tokens by catching a 401 unauthorized error, which we will then refresh the token.