AdrienPoupa / docker-compose-nas

Simple Docker Compose NAS featuring Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PIA VPN and Traefik with SSL support
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traefik container "Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains" #12

Closed LukasSchwarzlmueller closed 1 year ago

LukasSchwarzlmueller commented 1 year ago

Hi, seem to be unable to get the docker image to run. The traefik container always fails with this log:

time="2023-05-13T22:04:30Z" level=info msg="Configuration loaded from flags." time="2023-05-13T22:04:33Z" level=error msg="Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains \"localhost\": cannot get ACME client ACME challenge not specified, please select TLS or HTTP or DNS Challenge" routerName=jellyfin@docker rule="(Host(localhost) && PathPrefix(/jellyfin))" providerName=myresolver.acme ACME CA="" time="2023-05-13T22:04:35Z" level=error msg="Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains \"localhost\": cannot get ACME client ACME challenge not specified, please select TLS or HTTP or DNS Challenge" providerName=myresolver.acme rule="(Host(localhost) && PathPrefix(/jellyfin))" routerName=jellyfin@docker ACME CA="" time="2023-05-13T22:05:01Z" level=error msg="Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains \"localhost\": cannot get ACME client ACME challenge not specified, please select TLS or HTTP or DNS Challenge" ACME CA="" routerName=prowlarr@docker rule="(Host(localhost) && PathPrefix(/prowlarr))" providerName=myresolver.acme """

AdrienPoupa commented 1 year ago

Hello, it looks like Traefik is trying to get SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt, but your hostname is localhost, so obviously that fails. I assume you also did not fill your CloudFlare credentials to pass the DNS01 challenge.

You may want to setup a domain name to make it run, or disable certificate generation if you wish to proceed without a domain; this will disable the DNS challenge and switch the challenge server to staging:


I would highly recommend using a domain name and setting up Let's Encrypt though.