AdsJumbo /

This repository contains the SDK for Windows 10 Apps & Games. This allows you to display advertisements in the app from ad network.
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SDK Needs Stop Method #17

Closed RexfelisLOC closed 4 years ago

RexfelisLOC commented 4 years ago

Requesting a method to stop serving ads in the event users purchase ad removal.

KuznetsovVN commented 4 years ago

As a workaround, you can use the 'UIElement.Visibility' property, as shown below:

<adsjumbo:BannerAd x:Name="adJumbo1" Visibility="Collapsed" ApplicationId="<APP_ID>" />
var isUserBoughtAdRemoval = false;
adJumbo1.Visibility = isUserBoughtAdRemoval
  ? Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed
  : Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;

But a more optimal approach is to dynamically add an advertising banner in accordance with in-game conditions.

adjumbo commented 4 years ago


There are two options, either change the vibility via property: Visibility.Collapsed or remove ad unit programmatically from Gridview, for example x:Name="MyGrid" - remove programmatically.

If you have any other issues or any feedback, please let us know at:

Kind Regards, AdsJumbo Team