AdsJumbo /

This repository contains the SDK for Windows 10 Apps & Games. This allows you to display advertisements in the app from ad network.
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WinForms example will no longer run #27

Closed atecey closed 3 years ago

atecey commented 3 years ago

System.TypeInitializationException HResult=0x80131534 Message=The type initializer for '' threw an exception. Source=AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example StackTrace: at AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example.Form1..ctor() in D:\Downloads\ (2)\\AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example\AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example\Form1.cs:line 72 at AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example.Program.Main() in D:\Downloads\ (2)\\AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example\AdsJumbo_WinForm_Example\Program.cs:line 19

This exception was originally thrown at this call stack: [External Code]

Inner Exception 1: Exception: This copy of 'AdsJumboWinForm' has expired and will no longer run. This is because it was created using a version of Red Gate's SmartAssembly which is only licensed for testing software.

You should report this problem to the vendor who supplied 'AdsJumboWinForm'.

adjumbo commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thanks for reporting an issue. The Nuget package will be updated.