AdsJumbo /

This repository contains the SDK for Windows 10 Apps & Games. This allows you to display advertisements in the app from ad network.
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Interstitial .ShowInterstitialAd() should return some info #7

Closed pubtom closed 4 years ago

pubtom commented 4 years ago

Interstitial .ShowInterstitialAd() should return some info like: AdDisplaySuccess, NoAdAvailable, AdDisplayError, etc.

Also could you please add NewAdReady, AdDisplayed Events to Intertitial Ads?

After .ShowInterstitialAd() called I would like to have an info that the interstitial ad displayed or not. I would like to display interstitial ad when it is ready.

adjumbo commented 4 years ago


Please check the latest NuGet package, all of these events are now available, including programatically.

The info is returned via events on the ad unit (pertains banner ads, interstitial ads).

If you have any other issues, please let us know at:

Regards, AdsJumbo Team