Advaith3600 / PowerToys-Run-Currency-Converter

PowerToys Run plugin which will convert real and crypto currencies.
106 stars 5 forks source link

Enhancement: Support both Prefix and Suffix #8

Closed untitled500 closed 1 month ago

untitled500 commented 1 month ago

Some websites display currencies as "EUR 1" instead of 1 EUR. The suggestion here is to support "eur 1" and "eur 1 to usd" for ease of use.

Advaith3600 commented 1 month ago

This has been on my todo list for a long time, this seems to be the perfect time to do it. You can expect it to drop in a couple of days.

Advaith3600 commented 1 month ago

This feature has been added, I am not releasing this version yet as I am still testing different parts.

Advaith3600 commented 1 month ago

This version has been released now.