Advaith3600 / PowerToys-Run-Currency-Converter

PowerToys Run plugin which will convert real and crypto currencies.
99 stars 4 forks source link

Custom aliases + more currencyies #9

Open iSplasher opened 1 month ago

iSplasher commented 1 month ago

Hi, would it be possible to add the following things?


Advaith3600 commented 1 month ago

Hi, these look like some nice additions—one of the issues with a local currencies.json file will be that it will be outdated and it will be up to the users to update it. Aliasing is an idea that I wanted to do from day one, but always messed up while implementing it.

Could someone help with implementing these functionalities? In the meantime, I will try coming up with a simple approach.

Steef-Broeder commented 3 days ago

Hi, I would like to try and add something like this. I have little experience with cs and contibuting to open source but I will try this coming week!