Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
216 stars 274 forks source link

Rocket GUI Bug #2028

Closed Gaminguide1000 closed 3 years ago

Gaminguide1000 commented 3 years ago

Version of Advanced Rocketry


Have you verified this is an issue in the latest unstable build


Version of LibVulpes


Version of Minecraft


Crash report or log (if applicable) is a good place to put them crash reports that are put in the issue itself are hard to read The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient Exit-Code: -1

Description of the problem

Build a Rocket, then add 2 or more Satelite Bays. Then open the GUI of the Rocket, (Shift & Right Click), then open one of the Bays and put a Satelite in it (i dont know if you have to put one in it). Then just close the GUI, and open it again, go to another Satelite Bay , and open it. Everytime i tried, it crashed. Maybe you have to start the Rocket sometimes. The rocket was full with fuel.

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

Are you using any nonstandard not-pure-Forge server software?

Gaminguide1000 commented 3 years ago

Im just using the Forge Version, from the Forge installer. In Singleplayer & Multiplayer.

zmaster587 commented 3 years ago

Could you post the full crash report? The exception reason alone isn't all that helpful for tracking it down because the list that's usually under it is what tells us WHERE in the code the problem is, Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient only tells us the why and narrows it down to a few million lines it could be on.

The list under it would narrow the location of the actual exception down to 1 line and will give us the context to get an understanding of what the program was doing at the time.

Gaminguide1000 commented 3 years ago

Could you post the full crash report? The exception reason alone isn't all that helpful for tracking it down because the list that's usually under it is what tells us WHERE in the code the problem is, Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient only tells us the why and narrows it down to a few million lines it could be on.

The list under it would narrow the location of the actual exception down to 1 line and will give us the context to get an understanding of what the program was doing at the time.

Sorry for the late reply. Here is it: Edit: Im now using the newest Version of LibVulpes & Advanced Rocketry. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

WARNING: coremods are present: AdvancedRocketryPlugin (AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.7.0-232-universal.jar) XaeroWorldMapPlugin (XaerosWorldMap_1.12.0.2_Forge_1.12.jar) EnderCorePlugin (EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76-core.jar) XaeroMinimapPlugin (Xaeros_Minimap_21.4.0.1_Forge_1.12.jar) CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12.2- Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge

// Surprise! Haha. Well, this is awkward.

Time: 3/30/21 7:48 PM Description: Unexpected error

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient at at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_765_Events_renderTick_RenderTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onRenderTickStart( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head -- Thread: Client thread Stacktrace: at at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_765_Events_renderTick_RenderTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( at

-- Affected level -- Details: Level name: MpServer All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerSP['Gaminguide1000'/407, l='', x=-14.71, y=67.00, z=211.17]] Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 81, 81 Level seed: 0 Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false Level generator options: Level spawn location: World: (116,64,100), Chunk: (at 4,4,4 in 7,6; contains blocks 112,0,96 to 127,255,111), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511) Level time: 1276815 game time, 880064 day time Level dimension: 0 Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown? Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false) Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false Forced entities: 45 total; [EntityCow['Cow'/136, l='MpServer', x=16.24, y=62.00, z=208.49], EntitySheep['Sheep'/137, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=210.26], EntityCow['Cow'/138, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=209.36], EntitySheep['Sheep'/139, l='MpServer', x=17.43, y=62.00, z=211.51], EntityCow['Cow'/140, l='MpServer', x=17.55, y=62.00, z=210.31], EntitySheep['Sheep'/141, l='MpServer', x=17.06, y=62.00, z=212.55], EntityCow['Cow'/142, l='MpServer', x=14.49, y=62.00, z=211.61], EntityCow['Cow'/143, l='MpServer', x=14.31, y=62.00, z=212.55], EntityCow['Cow'/145, l='MpServer', x=13.43, y=62.00, z=210.68], EntitySheep['Sheep'/147, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=209.51], EntityCow['Cow'/148, l='MpServer', x=17.95, y=62.00, z=212.46], EntityCow['Cow'/149, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=207.45], EntitySheep['Sheep'/150, l='MpServer', x=13.77, y=62.00, z=207.45], EntityCow['Cow'/151, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=208.36], EntityCow['Cow'/152, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=211.47], EntityCow['Cow'/153, l='MpServer', x=15.23, y=62.00, z=212.55], EntityCow['Cow'/154, l='MpServer', x=13.43, y=62.00, z=211.63], EntityCow['Cow'/155, l='MpServer', x=15.40, y=62.00, z=210.51], EntityCow['Cow'/156, l='MpServer', x=16.63, y=62.00, z=207.49], EntityVillager['Villager'/160, l='MpServer', x=19.31, y=61.00, z=201.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/161, l='MpServer', x=16.39, y=62.00, z=209.76], EntityCow['Cow'/162, l='MpServer', x=15.40, y=62.00, z=211.52], EntityCow['Cow'/163, l='MpServer', x=14.70, y=62.00, z=207.55], EntitySheep['Sheep'/164, l='MpServer', x=14.51, y=62.00, z=209.56], EntityVillager['Villager'/165, l='MpServer', x=15.84, y=61.00, z=202.42], EntityCow['Cow'/166, l='MpServer', x=16.47, y=62.00, z=211.40], EntitySheep['Sheep'/167, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=207.45], EntitySheep['Sheep'/169, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=208.52], EntityPlayerSP['Gaminguide1000'/407, l='', x=-14.71, y=67.00, z=211.17], EntitySheep['Sheep'/170, l='MpServer', x=16.18, y=62.00, z=212.55], EntitySheep['Sheep'/171, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=212.33], EntityCow['Cow'/172, l='MpServer', x=13.37, y=62.00, z=208.38], EntityPig['Pig'/173, l='MpServer', x=15.65, y=62.00, z=207.07], EntityCow['Cow'/174, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=207.45], EntitySheep['Sheep'/175, l='MpServer', x=13.35, y=62.00, z=212.55], EntitySheep['Sheep'/176, l='MpServer', x=17.33, y=62.00, z=209.33], EntityPig['Pig'/177, l='MpServer', x=17.62, y=62.00, z=207.60], EntityCow['Cow'/178, l='MpServer', x=18.55, y=62.00, z=210.49], EntityPig['Pig'/179, l='MpServer', x=12.45, y=62.00, z=211.36], EntitySquid['Squid'/1988, l='MpServer', x=-57.50, y=53.00, z=180.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/1989, l='MpServer', x=-59.50, y=15.00, z=202.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/1990, l='MpServer', x=-59.12, y=69.00, z=203.68], EntitySpider['Spider'/1992, l='MpServer', x=-59.50, y=9.00, z=258.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/1995, l='MpServer', x=-62.50, y=9.00, z=257.50], EntityRocket['Rocket'/125, l='MpServer', x=-17.50, y=67.00, z=211.50]] Retry entities: 0 total; [] Server brand: fml,forge Server type: Integrated singleplayer server Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(

-- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 531948216 bytes (507 MB) / 2147483648 bytes (2048 MB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MB) JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 15, tallocated: 95 FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_G5 50 mods loaded, 50 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored

| State  | ID                                | Version           | Source                                          | Signature                                |
|:------ |:--------------------------------- |:----------------- |:----------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- |
| LCHIJA | minecraft                         | 1.12.2            | minecraft.jar                                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | mcp                               | 9.42              | minecraft.jar                                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | FML                               |         | forge-1.12.2-                   | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| LCHIJA | forge                             |      | forge-1.12.2-                   | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| LCHIJA | advancedrocketrycore              | 1                 | minecraft.jar                                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | xaerominimap_core                 | 1.12.2-1.0        | minecraft.jar                                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | xaeroworldmap_core                | 1.12.2-1.0        | minecraft.jar                                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | bspkrscore                        |           | [1.12]bspkrsCore-universal-          | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | treecapitator                     | 1.43.0            | [1.12]TreeCapitator-client-1.43.0.jar           | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | libvulpes                         | 0.4.2.-75         | LibVulpes-1.12.2-0.4.2-75-universal.jar         | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | advancedrocketry                  | 1.7.0.-232        | AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.7.0-232-universal.jar | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | baubles                           | 1.5.2             | Baubles-1.12-1.5.2.jar                          | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | biomesoplenty                     |        | BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftlib                     |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftcore                    |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftbuilders                |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcrafttransport               |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftsilicon                 |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftcompat                  |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftenergy                  |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftfactory                 |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | buildcraftrobotics                |         | buildcraft-all-                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | mantle                            | 1.12-     | Mantle-1.12-                        | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | endercore                         | 1.12.2-0.5.76     | EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76.jar                     | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | jei                               |        | jei_1.12.2-                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderio                           | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiointegrationtic             | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | ctm                               | MC1.12.2- | CTM-MC1.12.2-                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | twilightforest                    | 3.11.1021         | twilightforest-1.12.2-3.11.1021-universal.jar   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | tconstruct                        | 1.12.2- | TConstruct-1.12.2-                | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | conarm                            |          | conarm-1.12.2-                      | b33d2c8df492beff56d1bbbc92da49b8ab7345a1 |
| LCHIJA | cyberware                         |         | cyberware-1.12.2-                  | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiobase                       | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderioconduits                   | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderioconduitsappliedenergistics | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderioconduitsopencomputers      | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderioconduitsrefinedstorage     | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiointegrationforestry        | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiointegrationticlate         | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderioinvpanel                   | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiomachines                   | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiopowertools                 | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                       | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | enderiozoo                        | 5.2.66            | EnderIO-zoo-1.12.2-5.2.66.jar                   | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | eyemod                            | 1.1.0             | EyeMod-Mod-1.12.2.jar                           | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | ironchest                         | 1.12.2- | ironchest-1.12.2-                 | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | psf                               | 0.2.1             | practical-space-fireworks-           | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | rild                              | 1.0.0             | Rild Mod.jar                                    | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | travelersbackpack                 | 1.0.35            | TravelersBackpack-1.12.2-1.0.35.jar             | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | xaerominimap                      |          | Xaeros_Minimap_21.4.0.1_Forge_1.12.jar          | None                                     |
| LCHIJA | xaeroworldmap                     |          | XaerosWorldMap_1.12.0.2_Forge_1.12.jar          | None                                     |

Loaded coremods (and transformers): 

AdvancedRocketryPlugin (AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.7.0-232-universal.jar) zmaster587.advancedRocketry.asm.ClassTransformer XaeroWorldMapPlugin (XaerosWorldMap_1.12.0.2_Forge_1.12.jar) EnderCorePlugin (EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76-core.jar) com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCoreTransformer com.enderio.core.common.transform.SimpleMixinPatcher XaeroMinimapPlugin (Xaeros_Minimap_21.4.0.1_Forge_1.12.jar) xaero.common.core.transformer.ChunkTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.NetHandlerPlayClientTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.EntityPlayerTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.AbstractClientPlayerTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.WorldClientTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.EntityPlayerSPTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.PlayerListTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.GuiIngameForgeTransformer xaero.common.core.transformer.GuiBossOverlayTransformer CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12.2- team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer GL info: ' Vendor: 'Intel' Version: '4.6.0 - Build' Renderer: 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620' Ender IO: Found the following problem(s) with your installation (That does NOT mean that Ender IO caused the crash or was involved in it in any way. We add this information to help finding common problems, not as an invitation to post any crash you encounter to Ender IO's issue tracker. Always check the stack trace above to see which mod is most likely failing.):

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

Okay, I think I know the problem. Xaero's assumes our WorldDummy (where the client is temporarily when they open rocket-contained inventories so they can access them) is WorldClient, and then the ClassCast happens.

Gaminguide1000 commented 3 years ago

Okay, I think I know the problem. Xaero's assumes our WorldDummy (where the client is temporarily when they open rocket-contained inventories so they can access them) is WorldClient, and then the ClassCast happens.

So this is a Problem from Xaero's Minimap/World Map?

thexaero commented 3 years ago

I'm going to fix this on my end very soon.

Onii-133 commented 3 years ago

Were you guys able to find a fix for this? its making FTB:Interactions very frustrating to play. I have this identical crash, and I'm not sure how i would go about fixing it

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

Xaero is fixing it on their end. Because of how we handle rocket entity inventories interaction we can't really.