Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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[BUG] Server crashes with "NoSuchMethodError: zmaster587.libVulpes.util.FluidUtils.attemptDrainContainerIInv" #2291

Closed pillose closed 2 years ago

pillose commented 2 years ago

Version of Advanced Rocketry


Have you verified this is an issue in the latest unstable build

Version of LibVulpes


Version of Minecraft


Does this occur without other mods installed

Crash report or log or visualVM (if applicable)

Description of the problem

I was trying to build a space station using Space Station Assembler. When I pressed the "Build" button, my server crashed. I assume that a Oxygen Vent in my station cause the crash.

As I know, the "NoSuchMethodError" occurs when when an application does not find a called method(attemptDrainContainerIInv in this case) at runtime. So I decompiled the "AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.7.0-232-universal.jar" and "LibVulpes-1.12.2-0.4.2-88-universal.jar", and found the functions in the crash report: zmaster587.advancedRocketry.tile.oxygen.TileOxygenVent.func_70299_a and zmaster587.libVulpes.util.FluidUtils.attemptDrainContainerIInv.

Then, I found that libVulpes contain "attemptDrainContainerIInv" method;

public static boolean attemptDrainContainerIInv(EmbeddedInventory inv, IFluidHandler tank, @Nonnull ItemStack stack, int inputSlot, int outputSlot)

... I could't find the the cause of crash. I whish this issue could help fixing the bug : )

voidsong-dragonfly commented 2 years ago

Old AR version