Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
215 stars 273 forks source link

Space station warp time is way too long #2329

Open polyzium opened 1 year ago

polyzium commented 1 year ago

Version of Advanced Rocketry


Have you verified this is an issue in the latest unstable build

Version of LibVulpes


Version of Minecraft


Does this occur without other mods installed

Crash report or log or visualVM (if applicable)


Description of the problem

I built a space station, a warp core and a warp controller inside it. I then tried warping to another planet in the same system. I waited 3 hours, restarted the server, (un)chunkloaded the space station, NBTEdited the warp controller. All to no avail. Until I opened temp.dat in the NBT editor. nextStationTransitionTick and transitionEta were both set to an arbitrary number of around 25 million. I don't know what that's supposed to be; ticks, milliseconds? If it is milliseconds, that's 7 hours.

I set them both to 60, saved the file and that seemed to fix the issue.

crabbee88 commented 1 year ago

Had this issue as well. For me, this fix was a 1 time fix. The problem occurred the moment I warped a second time. I noticed the core status changed to missing artifacts and the fuel cost was at -1. After extensive testing between mods it turned out that mohist was the cause of the issue for me. I used version 1.12.2- 199 of mohist, I used version 2.0.0-13 of AR and 0.4.2-25-universal of lib vulpes. Be warned for anyone checking this bug report. It messed up my space station info badly removing mohist. At the point of posting I have not found a way to recover the original space station. After I launched a new station I was able to play the mod normally.