Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
215 stars 273 forks source link

[BUG] Little Tiles mod #2351

Open lukasz4444 opened 1 year ago

lukasz4444 commented 1 year ago

[Please fill out the form below and delete the sections in square brackets after reading them]

Version of Advanced Rocketry


Why is this important?

Sometimes when I'm standing on a structure made with little tiles mod on the space station i am get suffocate effect like there was no oxygen in the room.

Have you verified this is an issue in the latest unstable build

Version of LibVulpes


Why is this important? Because suffocation damage and nausea is quite annoying.

Version of Minecraft


Why is this important? Different versions of minecraft have different codebases for Advanced Rocketry. Knowing the version of minecraft (and thus AR) helps us pinpoint issues quicker!]

Does this occur without other mods installed

If Y, what is the MINIMUM set of mods required.

[Why is this important?
Sometimes interactions between mods cause issues. While it can be a problem with Advanced Rocketry, sometimes it's not. When there are a lot of mods, it can take bugtesters HOURS to go through the list to determine the root cause. When there are a lot of bug reports, that can add DAYS to the time it takes to fix a large set of issues.]

Crash report or log or visualVM (if applicable) is a good place to put them crash reports that are put in the issue itself are hard to read

[insert here

If it's an issue involving lag, please submit a visualVM sampler snapshot. Mods like lag goggles often do not provide the kind of information needed to debug lag. For more information on how to create a snapshot, please see "How to Run CPU Sampling" here. Then export the snapshot as an .nps. You may have to zip it since github is weird, then please upload it here.

Description of the problem

[How can you reliably reproduce the problem

to reproduce this issue use this ramp on a sealed space station and try standing on some parts of it.

You should gate the same issue as i am getting.

Ramp is here and yes i requires little tiles and creative core mod.

Why is this important? If we cannot reproduce the problem, we probably cannot fix it at all.]