Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
215 stars 273 forks source link

[BUG] Launching to moon stuck at exactly Y:1000 #2373

Open PawelW2006 opened 8 months ago

PawelW2006 commented 8 months ago

Version of Advanced Rocketry

AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-2.0.0-17 build 17 for 1.12.2

Have you verified this is an issue in the latest unstable build

There doesn't appear to be any unstable builds newer than the build i'm using

Version of LibVulpes

LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.2-25 build -25 for 1.12.2

Version of Minecraft


Does this occur without other mods installed

N/A, Didn't Test, This mod has already wasted enough of my time today

Crash report or log or visualVM (if applicable)

Can't find the log from when it happened as i have restarted the game a couple of times after this happened.

Description of the problem

I build a launchpad on my space station and launched a manned rocket to moon (I Build a space station before visiting luna for the first time) upon takeoff and the dimensions changing i got stuck at exactly Y:1000, not shaking up and down like when the world is loading, at exactly Y:1000. The instrument bars on the left side of the screen indicated the rocket descending until it landed but the Y level didn't change. Pressing shift also didn't leave the rocket. It visually appeared as if i was still high above luna.

After a few minutes of waiting i exited to main menu, restarted MC, and loaded the world again. Now i'm on mun surface with my rocket but the planet id chip inside it did not save launchpad cords as "Last" so i'm stuck here.

I have done multiple flights between earth and my space station without any issues.

A guy on reddit 4 years ago posted about more or less the same issue but didn't get any help from anyone and deleted his account since. Check out the post for description of the issue by another person and for a screenshot.

PawelW2006 commented 8 months ago

After using creative mode and a trick with placing a docking pad under my launchpad i managed to get my rocket back on it's launchpad.

After launching the rocket it again forgot coordinates of launchpad but i had a linker with coords of a docking pad under the center of my launchpad so i put in the guidance computer.

In summary:

How i got my rocket back in case anyone with similar problem sees this. 2023-10-17_01 52 42

Antonhsus commented 8 months ago

hey i found how to solve it.

PawelW2006 commented 8 months ago

hey i found how to solve it.

Could you please share how ?