Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
215 stars 273 forks source link

[Request] Config option to disable programming Planet ID Chips in rocket GUI #2379

Open Turrari opened 6 months ago

Turrari commented 6 months ago

It would be nice if there was an option to disable programming Planet ID Chips in the rocket GUI under "Select Dst". Or maybe a setting to just disable the button altogether. I would like to steer players towards using an artifact and data in the warp controller to discover additional moons around a gas giant when they are starting on one of the moons. That way they would need to create a specific Planet ID Chip in the warp controller for each moon to go anywhere but a space station.

Alternately, if there was a way to make the rocket "Select Dst" GUI respect the IsKnown attribute for moons around the same planet and require discovery from the player, I think that would also work and might make more sense. It does not appear to currently be the case. Then the players would not be able to know about the existence of the other moons until they were discovered in the warp controller.

Thanks for the great mod!