Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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[BUG] Oxygen Vents randomly fail to initalise on world load/chunk load #2380

Open Deiwos opened 6 months ago

Deiwos commented 6 months ago

Version of Advanced Rocketry

Forge version: AR version: 1.12.2-2.0.0-17 LibVulpes version: 1.12.2-0.4.2-25

Description of the problem

Hi this is a long-running problem which probably only affects me but it's annoying. I am making a modpack set on a large AR space station, and what I have found is that when entering the world, sometimes oxygen vents will just fail trying to calculate seals, and the area will remain unsealed until something forces it to recalculate such as opening an airlock to a room that is sealed or turning the vent on and off again. At first I thought this was due to trying to seal too large a space or something to do with unloaded chunks, so I attempted to mitigate that by breaking the station up into many self-contained smaller areas. This however just leads to areas being randomly sealed or unsealed, including the room the player logs in into.

I assume this is due to the fact that seals are calculated when entering the world (which also causes things like damaging the player/entities due to being in 'vacuum' for a second or so until the seal is calculated) and the process just kinda.. silently timing out or hanging.

I have brought this up before but the response was 'not interested in touching 1.12 anymore sorry' but since there's been activity on the project since I thought I should bring it up again heh.

I have tested this with a variety of atmosphere calculation options. It also appears to be more likely to happen when entering the game after first loading the game rather than exiting out to the main menu and then loading back in again.