Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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AdvancedRocketry custom planets are weird #455

Closed indoorsNB closed 6 years ago

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

I try to make a custom galaxy(have a star and many planets) but the name is solxxxxx(I already choose a name and a dim) But the stars are on wrong dim number and wrong name. I have no Idea why.(a mod's generate and advanced rocketry's sun.

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

here is my biome list and XML the world is not like what I set(dim200 to dim215)

    <star name="Kerbol" temp="100" x="0" y="0" numPlanets="0" numGasGiants="0">
        <planet name="Moho" DIMID="200">
        <planet name="Eve" DIMID="201">
            <planet name="Gilly" DIMID="202">
        <planet name="Kerbin" DIMID="203">
            <planet name="Mun" DIMID="204">
            <planet name="Minmus" DIMID="205">
        <planet name="Duna" DIMID="206">
            <planet name="Ike" DIMID="207">
        <planet name="Dres" DIMID="208">
        <planet name="Jool" DIMID="209">
            <planet name="Laythe" DIMID="210">
            <planet name="Vall" DIMID="211">
            <planet name="Tylo" DIMID="212">
            <planet name="Bop" DIMID="213">
            <planet name="Pol" DIMID="214">
        <planet name="Eeloo" DIMID="215">
indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

I think if there (I'm not sure I use the true 'there') is a Asteroid belt and a Crater setting will be very interesting. ( I don't want some planets have Crater( they don't have atmosphere)

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

When you say It's not like what you set, what do you mean? Are you saying the biomes are different than what you put in the config? If that's the case can I see the advRocketry/temp.dat as well?

Also with respect to the above I would like to add an asteroid belt in the long run, right now running a bit short on time so things are going kinda slowly...

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

Before 10 min, Something unknown happened, my server's advancedRocketry dimensions all disappear, when I type /advancedRocketry planet list, consol print Dimension: and it don't have any more. I'm sure I don't change any xml. When I join the world (dim-5) my client crash (crash report: I restart cilent and I join dim-5 currently.

The biome is weird is when a crater generate on some biomes have water, these water don't get deleted so you can se some water block on the air.

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

Are you saying that when you joined the server you crashed when entering dimension -5. but when you restarted the client you were able to join and spawned in dim -5? If this is the case did you go into singleplayer at all before joining the server?

Also when you tried to load the planet XML config, was it with a new world?

Also I see what you mean about the craters

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago
all test are on server (Forge server, not thermos).

I find some evidence that forge essintails cause this, because I delete all world files and startserver, all my xml work currently, but, after I restart server with forge essintails, /advancedRocketry planet list print nothing and when I try to type use goto 215 it print dimension does not exit I will test to create a world with forge essintails and make sure stop server and resart it now.

I will take screenshot to these weird craters. Sorry english is not my first language. :(

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

Ok I'm sure 'forge essintails' is conflict with advancedRocketry, all these unknown dimension errors are cause by forge essintails. Forgeessentials github page: I think the multiworld module cause this problem.

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

On server, ForgeEssentials and advancedRocketry are conflict so advancedRocketry can't create the dimension (but dim-2 still working). And on single player, I got wrong dimension IDs and names, all dimensions are solxxx

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

On Forge server, the Forge Essentials Let dimensions all disappear. On single player, all dim name are wrong and have wrong dim numbers. Here is my temp.dat

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

In single player, did you create a new world after putting in the planet XML?

Will check on the forge essentials thing though

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

Looks like the backup module is saving the world before AR finishes loading its planets. So what's going on is it saves a file containing only the overworld (none of the othe planets have been loaded yet) then it checks to see if the file exists and if it doesn't then generate the planets. But if the file already does exist, as is the case, it just loads the file.

So because the file is saved before the dimensions are created even on the first run, AR thinks it's just loading an existing world and happily loads just the overworld as a planet.

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

I have also confirmed that changing "B:backup_on_load=true" to "B:backup_on_load=false" in "./ForgeEnssentials/Backups.cfg" lets the planets load properly on a server with forgeEssentials

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

In single player, did you create a new world after putting in the planet XML? YES I have also confirmed that changing "B:backup_on_load=true" to "B:backup_on_load=false" in "./ForgeEnssentials/Backups.cfg" lets the planets load properly on a server with forgeEssentials Thank you, I will try it.

Still trying to find a example for craters on planet but my laptop is a MacBook :( so it is very slow....

indoorsNB commented 7 years ago

I don't find a example crater, but I make a graph explain it these water are weird

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◉ = water
◼︎ = block
☐ = air
zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

I've seen the craters before, I've not yet come up with a fix for them that's foolproof yet though

zmaster587 commented 6 years ago

should be fixed in more recent builds, anything above crater is set to air