Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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Rocket Detector/gas mining vehicle revamp #564

Open Tyrantin opened 7 years ago

Tyrantin commented 7 years ago

New monitoring station for unmanned rocket.

My idea is to set the drop distance, allow for rotating the unmanned rocket, allow for the rocket to move to the side then drop or rotate then launch forward without a drop.

With the current block you would more than likely have to start from scratch for the monitoring station any ways so why not just make a new block. This would allow for different setups in ships/stations.

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

I like that idea, it would solve problems with trying to figure out what way the user wants the ship to go. Additionally a puzzle piece ui could be put in so the user could specify arbitrary paths. Would also fit #393

Tyrantin commented 7 years ago

Also a block to detect rockets both manned and unmanned.

Function: pulse 1 time when rockets passes by it.

DVorriose commented 7 years ago

Not sure how you (or anyone else) feels about it, but it'd be neat to have a docking port.

Maybe a single "ship docking" block (like the station docking ports ... except that it doesn't disappear) placed "above" or "below" an airlock or airlock hatch. An incoming rocket with a docking block and airlock could line up horizontally, and an incoming rocket with a docking block and airlock hatch could line up vertically (possibly even "upside-down"?). Either could use the gas-mining drop away (down, up, or to the side) to avoid station collisions, though the user/builder may have to take that into consideration.

It may help set the basis for player-controlled on-orbit vehicles (ala Moving World ... or have you seen the Valkyrien Warefare mod?) or separate-able stations and warp ships (build/launch a new ship/station from an existing one).

Really, I guess just can't get the image of the Shuttle, Progress, etc. attached to Mir/ISS out of my head....

Tyrantin commented 7 years ago

Have discussed this very idea and found it would be to much lag at this time to implement.

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

Well, the space station seperation thing would be too CPU costly for a time being at least.

The sided docking ports would be doable, but I need to find a good way to handle the case where something gets built in the way such that the ship cannot actually dock. Though I suppose the easy way to handle it would just to allow the ship to destroy whatever is in the way or just have the ship stop and get stuck

DVorriose commented 7 years ago

Stop or crash ... maybe as a config option? Might make for some interesting gaming.

On second thoughts on docking, implementing the "docking block" in/as the airlock hatch/trapdoor or door instead of a separate block might give players more build options.

ghost commented 5 years ago

What about setting a docking port size (comparable to the one used with the rocket building system) and prevent building in that area (parts of the Twilight Forest prevent building in certain areas)? Alternatively, do it like docking pads; check the rocket dimensions compared to the accessible port area and if there's something in the way it's considered inaccessible and the rocket goes to origin. Maybe require the area above or below to be clear to the y-limit for access.