Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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Idea: Horizontally launching rockets from warp ships? #584

Open AGiLE-EaGLE1994 opened 7 years ago

AGiLE-EaGLE1994 commented 7 years ago

I build a Star Trek style ship, and I hate how the shuttle bay has to open vertically. Shuttle bays in real Star Trek ships open horizontally, so is it possible you could make a VTOL engine which would launch vertically on planets, but horizontally on warp ships? And it would slide in backwards to the ship's hangar, assuming the hanger opening was on the back of the ship? I really need this idea. Also, I would like it if you could add multi-star systems and different types of stars, such as red and orange dwarfs, blue supergiants or neutron stars, as well as planemos, if that's possible. A panemo is a planet which doesn't have a sun.

zmaster587 commented 7 years ago

will go well with #564

AGiLE-EaGLE1994 commented 7 years ago

I mean a ship that you can use as a shuttle to get from your ship to the planet it's orbiting and back. One that you can ride and carry passengers and cargo in. Also is it possible you could make dilithium or antimatter engines as well as fusion engines? Antimatter engines would have a 84:1 Thrust to weight ratio, dilithium would have 128:1, and fusion would have 64:1? so 1 engine could carry an 84, 128 or 64 block rocket into space for antimatter, dilithium, and fusion engines respectively?