AdvancedCustomFields / acf

Advanced Custom Fields
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Feature request: Disable field group save until fields Sync'ed first #832

Closed rabbithops closed 1 year ago

rabbithops commented 1 year ago

Having a lot of agency experience, I have frequently seen fields created by Developer A overwritten or deleted because Developer B forgets to sync the fields first. This creates a lot of extra work restoring parts of field groups.

Has there ever been a discussion about either:

  1. disabling the save button until the group is synced or
  2. creating an option to force the above behavior (opt in)
polevaultweb commented 1 year ago

Thanks @rabbithops, we've got automatic syncing of JSON on our internal tracker and I've added your vote to it. Closing this but others can +1 it and I'll report back when it gets released.