AdvancedCustomFields / acf

Advanced Custom Fields
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ACF Fields not storing for mixed type - Checkbox #840

Closed raguvaranrceo closed 1 year ago

raguvaranrceo commented 1 year ago

Hi, Checkbox field not working properly on rest API. Please find the data format.

Option Value branding_marketing : Branding & Marketing changemakers : Changemakers Entertainment Technology

The above option have 2 different format. One has with keys and other ones without keys. The without keys are not getting updated. Could you please check it

raguvaranrceo commented 1 year ago

I have raised similar issue previously

lgladdy commented 1 year ago

@raguvaranrceo This isn't supported I'm afraid, and causes errors outside of the REST API too.

You need to use either fully key choices, or not at all. A mix will only end up supporting either the values with keys.