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Advanced Custom Fields
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Custom tabs settings - Error with key "prefix" #841

Open GaetanPcht opened 1 year ago

GaetanPcht commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone :)

I'm actually working on add a custom tab for settings. However i reach an issue.

First I add my custom tab with acf/field_group/additional_group_settings_tabs :

add_filter("acf/field_group/additional_group_settings_tabs", function ($tabs) {
    $tabs["tab-key"] = "Tab key";
    return $tabs;

Then I add field for this custom tab with acf/field_group/render_group_settings_tab/$tab-key :

add_action('acf/field_group/render_group_settings_tab/tab-key', 'render_custom_field_settings_tab');
function render_custom_field_settings_tab($field)
            "label" => "Label",
            "name" => "name_field",
            "aria-label" => "",
            "type" => "text",
            "instructions" => "Instructions.",
            "required" => 1,


Warning : Undefined array key "prefix" in "plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/includes/acf-field-functions.php" on line 936.


WordPress : 6.2.2 PHP : 8.1.9 ACF Pro : 6.1.6

If you need any other informations about my environment, you could ask :)