AdvancedCustomFields / acf

Advanced Custom Fields
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ACF grouped field not getting updated in WP REST API #850

Open zaakzaag opened 11 months ago

zaakzaag commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm having an issue when trying to update grouped ACF fields using Rest API. The problem is mainly that when I want to remove a value from a field that is nested in a group of fields - I send an object with "null" values - in response I get the values that were there before the deletion so nothing changes (look at screenshot). Changing the value to another, works fine. The problem is only when deleting.

FIELDS DESCRIPTION: "icon_1","icon_2","icon_3","icon_4","icon_5" are group fields. Inside them are two Image fields "icon" and "selected_icon". The problem occurs when I try to remove any of the image values.


Let me know if more details need to be given. ACF Ver: 6.1.7 WP Ver: 6.2.2