AdvancedCustomFields / acf

Advanced Custom Fields
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Fatal error after adding a new field group with ACF 6.2.1 #872

Closed CreativeDive closed 10 months ago

CreativeDive commented 10 months ago


after updating to 6.2.1 I received this fatal error after adding a new field group:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-08 um 17 25 50
CreativeDive commented 10 months ago

The reason for this is because I use:

add_filter( 'acf/settings/enable_options_pages_ui', '__return_false' );

mattgrshaw commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the report @CreativeDive, we'll get this fixed up in the next release.

mattgrshaw commented 10 months ago

Thanks again @CreativeDive - we've released ACF PRO which has a fix for this issue.