AdvancedCustomFields / acf

Advanced Custom Fields
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Conditional logic in the Advanced Field Settings broke when a wrapper was added v6.2.9. #921

Open schlotterer opened 1 week ago

schlotterer commented 1 week ago


I was testing these ACF v6.2.9 plugin updates in my local environment and ran into a bug that affects one of the customizations we made in the smd-acf plugin.

What's Broken

In smd-acf, we customize the Post Type settings page by adding three additional Advanced Settings tabs One of those tabs, Blocks, allows the user to control which blocks the post type allows Post types need to support the editor feature for allowed blocks to be meaningful Users can control which features a post type supports on the built-in General tab To make the interface more clear for users, we implemented field conditions on the Blocks tab: If the post type supports editor, the block settings fields are displayed If not, a message is displayed explaining how to enable the editor feature The Blocks tab field conditions no longer work - both the fields and the message are always displayed


In a recent update, ACF updated the rendering code for Post Type -> Advanced Settings tabs to add a new wrapper div around each tab's content (link). ACF uses client-side JS to watch for option changes & re-evaluate field conditions live. If a field's value changes, ACF looks for other fields that reference the updated field in their conditions. ACF then updates the UI accordingly. The addition of the new wrapper div breaks the JS findSiblings function that is used to find referenced fields. Field conditions still work if they reference fields inside the same Advanced Settings tab, but no longer work if they reference fields inside other tabs.

Proposed Solution

The findSiblings function has a special carve-out (link) for finding basic Post Type settings fields (above the Advanced Settings tabs). I put together a small change that adds a similar carve-out for finding fields within all Advanced Settings tabs. My plan is to open a PR on the ACF repo w/ this change and an explanation of the issue.

Code Change

var getSiblingField = function (field, key) {
   // ...
   if (!fields.length && $('#acf-basic-settings').length) {
     fields = acf.getFields({
       key: key,
       parent: $('#acf-basic-settings'),
       suppressFilters: true
+  if (!fields.length && $('#acf-advanced-settings').length) {
+    fields = acf.getFields({
+      key: key,
+      parent: $('#acf-advanced-settings'),
+      suppressFilters: true
+    });
+  }
    // ...
