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Two sql files are missing #657

Closed jeonghanlee closed 2 years ago

jeonghanlee commented 4 years ago

Hi @iTerminate,

While configuring MariaDB database, I have issues that two sql files are missing. I don't use the provided scripts (for MariaDB) in order to understand their sql dependencies, because I use the system provided MariaDB instead of support one. So far with the latest commit def2da9, I can create all tables, views, and stored_procedures, and fill all data by using sql files within db/sql/{static,clean} except the following two sql files.

One is populate_item_element_history.sql and the other is populate_property_metadata_history.sql. According to the following codes:

I think, they are in the db/sql/clean path according to sbin/, but I cannot find them in that path. It looks like one (item_element_history) of codes remains in `update/updateTo3.9.0.sql such as

But I cannot find any information on populate_property_metadata_history.sql.

Could you help me to move a bit further about configuring it?



jeonghanlee commented 4 years ago

With make clean-db, I've found two following messages

populate_item_element_history.sql not found, skipping item_element_history update
populate_property_metadata_history.sql not found, skipping property_metadata_history update

So, the script cdb_create_db.bash cannot stop even if there is a missing sql file.

Is it ok to run cdb without two sql configurations? Or should we add two files properly when we configure the mysql (mariaDB) from scratch?

iTerminate commented 4 years ago

Hi @jeonghanlee let me resolve this. These tables I've added more recently and forgot to include the clean ones.