Implement a function to load data from the APS Velociprobe format.
Uses HDF5 and NumPy to load the diffraction patterns and other parameters from an HDF5 file and some preprocessed scanning positions from a CSV file.
From my tests of fly-scan data from 2019-2, it seems that often the number of scanning positions does not match the number of frame collected. Thus, I truncate the data to the shorter of the two lengths.
I tested multiple datasets from different runs: RAVEN_IC RAVEN_pillar, and XBIC and was able to see reconstructions.
Pre-Merge Checklists
[x] Write a helpfully descriptive pull request title.
[x] Organize changes into logically grouped commits with descriptive commit messages.
[x] Document all new functions.
[x] Write tests for new functions or explain why they are not needed.
Implement a function to load data from the APS Velociprobe format.
Uses HDF5 and NumPy to load the diffraction patterns and other parameters from an HDF5 file and some preprocessed scanning positions from a CSV file.
From my tests of fly-scan data from 2019-2, it seems that often the number of scanning positions does not match the number of frame collected. Thus, I truncate the data to the shorter of the two lengths.
I tested multiple datasets from different runs: RAVEN_IC RAVEN_pillar, and XBIC and was able to see reconstructions.
Pre-Merge Checklists
to format python code.Reviewer