Check for consistency between key/some/various MATLAB and Python functions.
First write a matlab script which generates a random input for a MATLAB function. Then record the inputs and outputs of the function in a v7.3 matlab file (hdf5). Compare the output of the corresponding Python code with the same inputs. Use single precision inputs and outputs to keep files below GitHub file limits.
Pre-Merge Checklists
[ ] Write a helpfully descriptive pull request title.
[ ] Organize changes into logically grouped commits with descriptive commit messages.
[ ] Document all new functions.
[ ] Click 'details' on the readthedocs check to view the updated docs.
[ ] Write tests for new functions or explain why they are not needed.
[ ] Address any complaints from pep8speaks.
[ ] Actually read all of the code.
[ ] Run the new code yourself; the included tests should make this easy.
[ ] Write a summary of the changes as you understand them.
Check for consistency between key/some/various MATLAB and Python functions.
First write a matlab script which generates a random input for a MATLAB function. Then record the inputs and outputs of the function in a v7.3 matlab file (hdf5). Compare the output of the corresponding Python code with the same inputs. Use single precision inputs and outputs to keep files below GitHub file limits.
Pre-Merge Checklists