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NEW: Use properties of linear operators to speed up linesearch #61

Closed carterbox closed 3 years ago

carterbox commented 4 years ago


Related to #60. In this PR, I'm trying to reduce the time spent on the backtracking line search in exchange for memory.


Our Operators are linear operators e.g. F(a + c * b) = F(a) + c * F(b) where c is a scalar, so we can speed up the line search by caching F(x) and F(d) where d is the search direction and F() is the function being minimized.


This might work quite well if the ptychography cost functions easily split into linear and non-linear parts. The cost function for a single mode could be broken this way:

def nonlinear(x):
    return gaussian_cost(data, np.square(np.abs(x)))

def linear(x, ...):
    return fwd(x, ...)

However, when we have probe with multiple-incoherent modes, then life becomes difficult. :cry:

def nonlinear(x, ...):
    intensity = 0
    for mode in modes:
        intensity += np.square(np.abs(fwd(x, mode, ...)))    
    return gaussian_cost(data, intensity)

def linear(x):
    return x


We could write a specific line searcher for ptychography by refactoring the intensity sum as follows:

= sum(square(abs(a + cb)))
= sum((a + cb) * conj(a + cb))
= sum(square(abs(a))) + c**2 * sum(square(abs(b))) + sum(c * (conj(a) * b + a * conj(b)))

where a = fwd(x), b = fwd(d), and c = step. This allows us to cache three arrays and change the step size without calling the forward operator every time. I guess this is fine because the code is modular.

Pre-Merge Checklists



pep8speaks commented 4 years ago

Hello @carterbox! Thanks for updating this PR. We checked the lines you've touched for PEP 8 issues, and found:

There are currently no PEP 8 issues detected in this Pull Request. Cheers! :beers:

Comment last updated at 2020-05-22 01:26:06 UTC
nikitinvv commented 4 years ago

@carterbox, first we need to handle, i.e. separate grad and cost functions from operators. Then it becomes clear that different line search implementations can also be separated. Instead of giving them the cost function, we can send the operator. We may have line_search(fwd,...), line_search_sqr(fwd,...), etc. At the beginning of such line search function we precompute temporarily variable, like p1=fwd(psi), p2=fwd(dpsi),...etc. and then use them to find direction

carterbox commented 4 years ago

@nikitinvv I don't understand your idea fully. The cost and gradient are paired, but the operator and gradient are not? So it doesn't make sense to provide an operator and gradient. Please provide a full example API of what you are proposing.

nikitinvv commented 4 years ago

@carterbox ok my point is that the line search should be defined at the same place as the cost and grad functions because its optimal calculation depends on the cost function and operators. So there are two ways. Either you have the line search as a method in each operator (like it is now with cost and grad) or have all functions: grad,cost,line search in where they should take operators as a parameter.

carterbox commented 4 years ago

The problem with moving ptychography cost and grad functions to tike.opt is that the ptychography forward operator is not the forward model because

  1. The the farplane wave is converted to intensity before it is compared with the data
  2. We are updating each probe mode sequentially instead of simultaneously

Unless you can think of a graceful way to encapsulate these irregularities into the opt interface (?), we should add a linesearch method to the Ptycho operator (if you think it is going to provide speedups of more than 10x).

I guess this is the kind of irregularity that causes that both scipy.optimize and ODL both use the cost/grad interface (with optional line search).

nikitinvv commented 4 years ago

@carterbox ok, that sounds reasonable. In my opinion, for consistency with definitions of cost and grad functions, we should have line search functions also as a part of operators? Then cg solver will take cost, grad, and line search functions as parameters. Up to you

nikitinvv commented 4 years ago

@carterbox Have you observed very often changes in gamma step sizes during iterations? Are they stabilizing after a certain number of iterations, or we have something like 0.5,0.25,0.5, 1e-7,.0.5? If they are not changed much then we can try to avoid the line search

carterbox commented 4 years ago

Then cg solver will take cost, grad, and line search functions as parameters

Yes, this is the approach that seems to make the most sense. I'm just afraid of complexity. 😨

Have you observed very often changes in gamma step sizes during iterations?

I stopped monitoring this parameter after I thought the gradients were correct. Should this parameter go to the INFO logger or the DEBUG logger?

carterbox commented 4 years ago

For @nikitinvv 's derivation, the linear term of the quadratic is:

sum_j ( G(x_j).real * G(x_j).real + 2 * G(d_j).imag * G(d_j).imag )

But for mine, the linear term is:

2 * sum_j( G(x_j).real * G(d_j).real + G(x_j).imag * G(d_j).imag )

I think they are not equivalent and mine is correct. Full derivation here.

carterbox commented 4 years ago
(tike) bash-4.2$ python catalyst combined 1 --folder output/line
scan range is (0, 651.836181640625), (0, 1135.3802490234375).
scan positions are (1, 1848, 2), float32
data is (1, 1848, 128, 128), float32
probe is (1, 1, 1, 7, 128, 128), complex64
2020-05-21 20:51:00 INFO combined for 1,848 - 128 by 128 frames for 10 iterations.
2020-05-21 20:51:00 INFO object and probe rescaled by 41.459629
2020-05-21 20:51:01 DEBUG step 0; length = 1.526e-05; cost = 1.869670e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:01 DEBUG step 1; length = 1.526e-05; cost = 1.713484e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:02 DEBUG step 2; length = 3.052e-05; cost = 1.697497e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 3; length = 3.052e-05; cost = 1.697411e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 INFO     object cost is +1.69741e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 0; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 5.643800e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 1; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.995764e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 2; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.782804e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 3; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.710062e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 INFO      probe cost is +3.71006e+09

For the catalyst dataset, it seems like the initial step length for the probe is too small because it is always 1e0 and for the object, it is too large because it consistently shrinks to 1e-5 (approximately 16 backtracks). It may be worth our time to implement something that automatically adjusts the initial step size for the line search.

For typical optimization problems we wouldn't need this, but we are constantly switching between many sub-problems.

nikitinvv commented 4 years ago

For @nikitinvv 's derivation, the linear term of the quadratic is:

sum_j ( G(x_j).real * G(x_j).real + 2 * G(d_j).imag * G(d_j).imag )

But for mine, the linear term is:

2 * sum_j( G(x_j).real * G(d_j).real + G(x_j).imag * G(d_j).imag )

I think they are not equivalent and mine is correct. Full derivation here.

sure, I just forgot to write 2, from my code:

                    p1 = data*0
                    p2 = data*0
                    p3 = data*0
                    for k in range(probe.shape[1]):
                        tmp1 = self.fwd(psi, scan, probe[:, k])
                        p1 += cp.abs(tmp1)**2
                    tmp1 = self.fwd(psi, scan, probe[:, m])                        
                    tmp2 = self.fwd(psi, scan, dprb[:, m])                                                
                    p2 = cp.abs(tmp2)**2
                    p3 = 2*(tmp1.real*tmp2.real+tmp1.imag*tmp2.imag)
nikitinvv commented 4 years ago
(tike) bash-4.2$ python catalyst combined 1 --folder output/line
scan range is (0, 651.836181640625), (0, 1135.3802490234375).
scan positions are (1, 1848, 2), float32
data is (1, 1848, 128, 128), float32
probe is (1, 1, 1, 7, 128, 128), complex64
2020-05-21 20:51:00 INFO combined for 1,848 - 128 by 128 frames for 10 iterations.
2020-05-21 20:51:00 INFO object and probe rescaled by 41.459629
2020-05-21 20:51:01 DEBUG step 0; length = 1.526e-05; cost = 1.869670e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:01 DEBUG step 1; length = 1.526e-05; cost = 1.713484e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:02 DEBUG step 2; length = 3.052e-05; cost = 1.697497e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 3; length = 3.052e-05; cost = 1.697411e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 INFO     object cost is +1.69741e+10
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 0; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 5.643800e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 1; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.995764e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 2; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.782804e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 DEBUG step 3; length = 1.000e+00; cost = 3.710062e+09
2020-05-21 20:51:03 INFO      probe cost is +3.71006e+09

For the catalyst dataset, it seems like the initial step length for the probe is too small because it is always 1e0 and for the object, it is too large because it consistently shrinks to 1e-5 (approximately 16 backtracks). It may be worth our time to implement something that automatically adjusts the initial step size for the line search.

For typical optimization problems we wouldn't need this, but we are constantly switching between many sub-problems.

For having normal gamma steps you should find a constant r, s.t. rR^HRf~(of the order)f, i.e. r \approx<R^HRf,f>/<R^HRf,R^HRf>. Then add this r to the gradient step: /gamma rR^H(Rf-g) ~ f, i.e. here gamma should not be too low. Typically, this constant should only depend on data sizes. I always find it experimentally (varying sizes n, ntheta,nscan.. and see dependence). For example, in laminography I have smth like 1/ntheta/n/n. See 'Norm test' in I remember I have also played with it in ptychography.

carterbox commented 4 years ago

Waiting for #67 to be completed.

carterbox commented 3 years ago

Closing this because I think tuning the step size so line searches are avoided or minimal is enough.